Debate Time is actually space


Active Member
I had a thought about what time is in relation to space, I came to the conclusion that time isn't it's own entity, but is actually another axis of space. Really, what is time? Time is simply a measurement between two points, making it exactly the same as the conventional 3 axis. To make this even more mind boggling, imagine everything everywhere it has ever been and will be. That is what the universe actually looks like, everything happens at once. Its quite possible that every universe in every state may be included into the 4th dimensional space, although this probably only occurs in a 5th/6th dimensional realm.

However typically organisms can only perceive the limited range of the vibrational state they are born into, like most humans. Basically, this makes it possible for somebody to will themselves to go back in time and it is theoretically possible.

Anyway what is everyone else's thoughts on this?


Senior Member
I had a thought about what time is in relation to space, I came to the conclusion that time isn't it's own entity, but is actually another axis of space.
Anyway what is everyone else's thoughts on this?

Unfortunately for your Nobel aspirations, Einstein established this idea, and backed it up with a mathematically rigorous set of axioms, a hundred years ago.



Time isn't it's own entity because it is an abstract term. It indicates that there is a past that is truly gone and a future that is never here. Time streams however do exist concretely. A time stream would be in spiral form, the fundamental form that exists all through space-'time'. Possibly there are different dimensions because there are spirals within spirals within spirals, etc., operating on different energetic levels. Atomic energy within electromagnetic energies within superconductive energies, etc. Or planets within solar systems within galaxies within even bigger universal spirals, etc.
