Schematic Time machine Tipler cylinder

steven chiverton

Senior Member
This is exactly why I say there is a difference from theory and reality. Inventors don't build anything from theory. It took me a long time to finally realize that. When I started to build stuff from existing fact instead of theory I finally started to get results. There appears to be a strong effort by the academic community to make sure no one builds a time machine. Why do I say that? No facts about time are taught. Just theory.
vp8671 sure hasnt anything to say good one einstien

steven chiverton

Senior Member
I just look at theories as disinformation to divert us away from real facts about our reality. Theories to me are deliberate. We are deliberately educated to be stupid. And we have no idea this is being done to us while it is happening.
you are correct and im not a fan of theory either and when it comes from the scientific community you could be sure its disinformation to lure us away from the real truth ,

steven chiverton

Senior Member
the tippler cylinder even if that data says it works the due to the massive scale of the thing and the speed it needs to be rotated at it wont work then man dose not live long enough to build such a colossal project, and its size and length would put it maybe close to other stars or planets and there gravity would tear it apart and mankind just dosent have the material strong enough for it the idea of this and using data to say it would work is a stupid idiotic waist of time and resources just to say that when no ones going to build it just to prove it when there simpler time machines around that may be easier
