Time travel could create doppelgangers that would ultimately destroy each other


Thought experiment done by physicist, Professor Robert Nemiroff
  • Theory based on assumption that faster-than-light travel is possible
  • Any object that goes faster-than-light is believed to travel back in time
  • If this happens, a pair of twin travelers would come into existence
  • One would have a negative mass and another twin, a positive mass
  • As a result, when they meet, they would self-destruct, theory says
Imagine a future in which you could travel backwards in time to meet your ancestors.

Only, there are some serious side effects.

The act of time-traveling would create several versions of you, some living in the present, while others move to the past.

Your doppelgangers will be destined to meet up, and when they do, they will ultimately destroy each other.

It may sound like science fiction, but one theoretical physicist has worked out mathematical equations to show how this might work using our current understanding of science

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Active Member
There have been many doppelganger stories where people meet/see themselves, and live to tell the tale. I wonder if Professor Nemiroff can see himself in the mirror, or has his doppelganger been destroyed?


Nah, ...you just end up getting on each other's nerves. The one who hasn't traveled yet doesn't have the advantage of knowing what's going to happen, but does have the advantage of being in control, ...I think.

If you physically get too close, you feel it. You know it's them without having it explained to you, but only if you are aware of time travel. It's like trying to put two repelling magnets together, only it effects your psyche and perception of time/space.

(yeah, I caught that. As soon as I read it, I knew.)
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Further, since we know you're reading...

Yes, I know I'm firing rounds through a truck full of nitro. Look at the position you put me in. Who really wants that kind of power? You know I'm not falling for the grandfather thing. And you know I'll die before giving up the twins. How many?,Half of Europe and North America? How many Semites? Asians? ...I wonder. You also know I'm not scared to negate you. I guess I'll see you around, huh?

I keep racking my brain trying to figure out how we're going to pulled that off. I see some of the parameters, as well as your mistakes. The only thing I can come up with is that I'll fail, not try, or she'll take the advice. Or is it a shell game? ...A well well well game? Do I have to talk to the infant? Maybe not such a good idea, huh? ...or did someone else do that? Perhaps my confusion is for the best? lol.

And what's with the virgin? ..a surrogate, ...metaphor? WTH? What Semite has straw colored hair? ..or are they lying? Or is it figurative?


You gotta get me the hell out of here, or we have to leave. Because at this point, and as you are well aware, I really couldn't give a shit less at this point.


Further, since we know you're reading...

Yes, I know I'm firing rounds through a truck full of nitro. Look at the position you put me in. Who really wants that kind of power? You know I'm not falling for the grandfather thing. And you know I'll die before giving up the twins. How many?,Half of Europe and North America? How many Semites? Asians? ...I wonder. You also know I'm not scared to negate you. I guess I'll see you around, huh?

I keep racking my brain trying to figure out how we're going to pulled that off. I see some of the parameters, as well as your mistakes. The only thing I can come up with is that I'll fail, not try, or she'll take the advice. Or is it a shell game? ...A well well well game? Do I have to talk to the infant? Maybe not such a good idea, huh? ...or did someone else do that? Perhaps my confusion is for the best? lol.

And what's with the virgin? ..a surrogate, ...metaphor? WTH? What Semite has straw colored hair? ..or are they lying? Or is it figurative?


You gotta get me the hell out of here, or we have to leave. Because at this point, and as you are well aware, I really couldn't give a shit less at this point.

Okay m8, if you say so...; also don't let the door hit you on your way out...
