Time Travel/Parallel Universes


New Member
I'm asking for help on time travel and parallel universes. Could you simply explain the differences of both? Do you think there are infinite time lines for each universe? Or each universe is its own timeline? Do you have your own theory? And most of all, have you or someone you know think they've physically experienced such things?


Active Member
Time travel travels on (generally) the same worldline, whereas parallel universes are the entire premiation of the pre-determined events that it experiences. In terms of your second question I am a firm believer that each universe has it's own timeline, and also that there is infinite worldlines.

Yes, I have my own theroy, but I wont all of it as it isn't finished yet and I'd prefer that the US government doesn't steal my idea.

Yes I have Astral travelled to many different worldlines.


Moved this thread to the Metaphysics section as requested.


Astral projection would be a way to see/experience other world lines, or visit our direct past/future. I agree with Paradox's explanation and I believe things are working in such a way. That being said, imagine how many timelines that theory requires. It's mind blowing.

We could talk about the HDR too! ;)

Carl Miller

Active Member
We are interdimensional beings. We are continuosly interacting to other beings from various dimensions-realms-planes whatever you wish to call them.You may even not be aware-conscious of this connection. I mean you may not perceive other 'realities'. Notwithstanding the mentioned interaction is unavoidable.You are always influencing and being influenced in a neverending process for the mere fact regardless not being aware the multidimensional contacts are positive.It is undeniable that societal principles based mainly on religious superstitions imposing fearand taboos on the topic have played their roles into negating the psychic phenomena labelling them as a demonic thing. And unfortunately this status quo or situation is corroborated by a material oriented science. If you report your psychic experiences to a Psychiatrist he will tag youmental deranged person and will prescribe meds to drug you away from your birth right which is being co creator as a son of God paraphrasing the Bible.If you are a religious oriented person you may as well relate to Jesus on this.What did he speak? He said the phenomena attributed to him woul be multiplied in the future.I am not a religious oriented person-rather i am conscious of the existence of parallel realitiesmultidimensional interactions.As above so bellow. Or the contrary. We have other senses of perceptions fitting in perfectly wellin various dimensions we would choose to visit. Why do not we perceive the valid contacts we keep in them?The answer is simple. These others senses of perceptions are inactive for lack of use. Let me illustrate with a silly example. How to describe a beautiful landscape to a blind man.Relating to Jesus again remember He said that people in the darkness saw a bright light.He was referring Himself to the pineal gland. In the darkness the pineal gland releases DMTto entraining the brain into deep alpha state pre requisitive condition triggering psychic abilitiesthat neophytes consider as mere dreams. And there is a correlation between dreams and fantasies. If the experiencer dreams of nice episodes he won't search for the psychiatrist.But if he has nightmares he will.Few people have realized that 'good dreams' are the result of 'good connections' and nightmaresmostly are a sign of obsessions. Speaking clearly many neophytes fear to face the gnawingfeeling of meeting hostility with all consequences involved in these encounters.Anyway sooner or later you will have to face it.Why waiting to be dead to be living upon other realities to face the difficulties and challenges and finally face the music? Shame the devil and stop having anxieties towards other dimensions. Say 'whatever may come manifest'The poster typed that he found other realities wierd. From our physical world standpointthey may appear to be strange. Only remember that those inhabitting those 'weird' worldswould probably find l to carry away my soul?Jesus Christ it is only your spiritual guide for that specific dimension.

Carl Miller

Active Member
To help you get back into the topic i suggest that it can be possible to time travel.You know that space and time are proper to our 3 dimensional world (mind-space-time).For example, if someone gets his head bumped onto the floor he will temporarily be 'out' so to say.He won't be in control of his cerebral function within some lapse of time. So whilst in 'black out' he will lose the notion of the passage of time since he won't be having the ability to measure space. Time space and mind are interconnected. If one of the pillars succumbs the whole house collapses.. Functioning upon other realities-planes of vibration-dimensions-realms you will notice that the notion of space is obliterated. Once you think of a certain place you are already there. The notion of times escapes measurement. You won't have any yardstick to measure time or space.Many people got caught up in old ideas. Their likeminded thoughts create their environment.I have visited many made up pseudo realities. Astral cities with customs of the middle ages. This way only you can consider to be time travelling unlike this way time travel in 3dimensional world is impossible.We create our own reality to match our belief system.Do not doubt there are religionists creating hell for those who got grabbed by their superstitions.Old souls from Popes and bishops are caught up in low dimensional planes creating inquisitions. There they created churches religious institutions prisons court martials so to say and they go on imposing fear to take over the followers souls.These dimensions are thought created regardless of our current daily life they (realities) persist as long as there are people to believe in them. So time travel depends on the participants consciousness. A 'reality' is a matrix created by many minds that coalesce and lend realism to a certain dream.
When i type 'lend realism to a dream' i mean that parallel realities are consensual artificial virtual realms by the standpoint of a neutral visitor sojourning these realities but for the souls experiencing these realms they are considered as real as we would consider our own world of 3dimensional pillars.
This very night i was visiting a realm dedicated to children inhabitting certain layer in the 'astral' or psychical dimensional. This realm could be named as Candy Land and it is situated in the etherical plane - one of the closest to our dimension.
Dimensions are not divided as onions layers but layers coalesce mingles into one another.
The spirit may choose to live upon these etherical levels.
When we project our psychic body or astral body we notice that it is connected to the physical body by the silver cord. Residents (discarnate) inhabitting these realms do not have a silver cord. Obviously incarnate visitor will have the mentioned cord linking bodies.
A most interesting thing regarding incarnate spirits visiting the lower levels of consciousness. They can move going round and round as if they were on a seesaw because they are moving within the reach of the silver cord.
Discarnate children take advantage of this phenomenon to embark on the practitioner s back to be ridden as on a roller coaster. I received a reward for having allowed some 'kids' ride on my back. I was given candy.
This realm has many names according to the culture. In Brazil it is called Cosme &Damian Realm. The interconnection between our physical worl and this etheric realm can be illustrated by the great feast of Cosme &Damian taking place in October 10- children s day in Brazil.
During this event people often give candy to children. As above so bellow the interconnection between plane persists.
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New Member
There are those who have traveled to other worldlines in the physical. If you want to learn more about this, check out the Mandela Effect website. Paranormal /about.com has a bunch of stories about worldline travelers. And there is also a lady who woke up in our worldline who has a different life than she remembers. She woke up with never have met her current boyfriend, and in fact it seems in our worldline, he doesn't even exist. I can't remember her name though. But if anyone is interested, they should google her. Also I got to say my favorite is about a man at he Japan airport who had a passport from a country that doesn't even exist here who was detained for an evening who suddenly did vanish while being behind a guarded door, possibly back to his own worldline.
I even have my own stories, as well as many others. I think I have switched many times.
