Traveling to other universes


This is something you should read.It might be possible to travel to other universes. article

Forever quantum: physicists demonstrate everlasting quantum coherence

posted by dederu

This very fundamental experiment and basic theory, indicates with this perpetual coherence in a transversal basis that the collapse of the wave function postulated by Bohr never happens in a quantum measurement !!
This proof indicates that all the never observed quantum possibilities in a quantum measurement exist real in different parallel universes which are not suppressed if the coherence is everlasting, contrary to the arbitrarycollapse of the wave function od Bohr, but first explained by Everett .
At each nanosecond we have sosies of us multipliing in different parallel universes living all the possible different lifes predicted by the quantum wave functiion but with the same past, if coherence is everlasting !!
Incredible but real if the quantum coherence is everlasting !!

116 years later since its beginning, real quantum mechanic remains fantastic with many more future unexpected discoveries for the basic real properties of our multi-universes !

The multiverses prevent any arbitrary ideological construct, with a god cutting with a knife the wave function at each measurement to perform the wavefunction collapse, which is so strange that this process is never studied in details precisely quantatively mathematically, in all the published scientific papers, excepted the decoherence process which split the wave function into different universes with even the possibility of ressurection by inversing the decoherence process as observed.

The observation of everlasting coherence is a proof of no wawefunction collpase and prove the reality of everlasting coherence with parallel coherent micro-universes, essential for the extraordinary performance of quantum computers !
Wavefunction collapse to our unique personal universe is identical to the religious old belief that the earth was at the center of our world with the sun and the stars rotating around the earth,

It is incredible the number of persons thinking that a god, highly intelligent living agent, is following and controling each atom of each planet to make the living organisms, in the 2 tera 10^12 galaxies of our visible universe, a religious old belief similar to that, 400 years ago, the earth was at the center of our world with the sun and the stars rotating around the earth,
