Trump Death/Mike Pence Presidency Prophecy


Junior Member
I found this post in the comments section of a Natural News article.

"I want to lay down a Prophecy. I saw a vision some 19 years ago, and in this vision Clinton's Wife would Run for President against businessman Trump, and Trump would win, and America would prosper for a time. But... there was some kind of accident. Trump would be killed in a Plane Crash, the US would be shocked and in grief and his VP would take over and proceed to unleesh horrors and death upon the world, like non could have ever imagined.
We must all make sure that Trump does NOT get killed during his presidency, at all costs!!! And it is also important to look into the Vice President more carefully. Who is this man? Can you really trust him to take over and not destroy everything if Trump dies?
If something happens to Trump there must be New Elections, or the consequences will be extremely dire. This is what i saw."

Prior to this, I came across a New Age article a couple days ago, which had this among its predictions:

"Unpredictable/chaotic/disturbing events surrounding the time of the presidential election, specifically pertaining directly to the candidate(s). Possible examples: impactful disclosure events surrounding a female candidate; impeding health issues or possible death of one of the candidates."

The Impending Threshold Events of 2016-2017

For some reason, I had the image of a plane crash when I thought of a possible Trump death. This was before I read the prophecy at the top. So naturally, I am inclined to take this pretty seriously now. Of course, I would love for this to be prevented. But personally, I'm going to prepare myself and make sure I'm well off financially, so that I'm able to move to another country, if need be.
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Junior Member
I guess we can all be thankful that all gloom and doom predictions NEVER come true. Not one!

Anyone ever wonder what happened to Nibiru?
I hope so, my friend. I hope so. Now, to be clear, I am coming at this with the angle that we must go through necessary tough times before we are able to rebuild a new world from scratch that serves humanity's interests. The link I included in my post talks about this, and this is a common theme among channelers right now.

Keep in mind, if Trump can't be controlled by those who pull the strings, attempts on his life can very likely be made. And if they were going to, I imagine it would be ideal to do so at a time when Trump has been given the chance to prove himself and win the country over. The powers that be profit off of tragedy. Let's not forget what happened to JFK.

I find it quite interesting that someone was able to predict a Trump vs. Clinton campaign race and a Trump win 19 years ago. I just recommend people stay vigilant, and of course, heart-centered, not giving into fear-mongering. Make sure you are focused and independent enough to be prepared for any rocky changes ahead, that's my advice.

I hope to participate in an ayahuasca ceremony at some point soon. Maybe I'll be able to gain some more clarity, and offer up some personal experience to this thread, or another.

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Active Member
The article says the angry birds want to kill both Trump and VP Mike Pence. What if...., who then would be President, VP?


Senior Member
The article says the angry birds want to kill both Trump and VP Mike Pence. What if...., who then would be President, VP?
obummer would look at this as a nationsl crisis, sign another Executive Order for his third term, and appoint Hillary as VP since, he would say, America had casted their vote for her and national security she would provide...which is BS. He would later step down and Hillary would take over.
I hope this doesn't happen as we will be on trains to FEMA camps after martial law.


steven chiverton

Senior Member
The article says the angry birds want to kill both Trump and VP Mike Pence. What if...., who then would be President, VP?
Paul Ryan, Speaker of the house.

be wary of all these false prophets that have no or little credit ive noticed many over the years dates that prophets have been made to ocurr on have long passed and dident happen it all ties in with disinformation
