US election passing peacefully?


Active Member
US election passing peacefully?
Before voting even began in Philadelphia -- Republican poll watchers believed they found nearly 2000 votes already planted on machines scattered in heavy-minority locations throughout the city.
Officially, election officials explain the discrepancy is being caused by a number showing how many times various machines have been used.
But officials could not explain why used machines in other locations were reportedly 'clean.'

From what I understand, optical scan is almost identicle to punch card.
Anick reasons that there are four possible causes of the ?Bush gains.? (1) Significantly greater lying or refusal to speak to pollsters in Bush voters versus Kerry voters; (2) Consistent/systematic errors in weighting demographic groups; (3) A surge of Bush voters after 4 p.m., in all states; (4) Systematic tampering/hacking of reported vote totals, in Bush?s favor.

One reason suggested for the anomaly system-wide was that women were oversampled in the exit polling; women favored Kerry by a slight margin.


Junior Member
US election passing peacefully?

Well first with your drudge quote there, doesnt say anything about kerry being the votes on the machines.

Also your graph lumps things together. I'd really like to see some break down by state rather then a global total. What i mean is that Florida/Ohio could be target states that they changed the outcome and others were left alone.

Judge Bean

Senior Member
US election passing peacefully?

Originally posted by tigress@Nov 3 2004, 07:43 PM
Hi guys, new member here. I'm a long time lurker at the anomalies forum and somebody posted a link to here from there so I thought I'd sign up!

Anyway, I admit to being on the fence with regards to the whole John Titor story but one thing has me leaning slightly towards the non-believing side:

I don't have the quote to hand but I'm sure John Titor said that there would be civil un-rest around election time. Well, I haven't seen anything of the sort. Indeed, Mr. Kerry has accepted his defeat gracefully and although his supporters are undoubtedly disappointed, I haven't seen any violence at all. So...does this mean the Titor story is over? How long are you going to give it before you would have to admit that it was a hoax? 2005? 2008?


I thought I'd quote this here to remind us about the subject of the thread. Tigress wonders a few days ago whether there will be any "unrest" due to the election results. I assume that this means violent civil unrest and not just a lot of bitching and namecalling.

First of all, if any of you are waiting for an outbreak of postelection rioting to prove that Titor was a timetraveler, I think you have both oversimplified and overcomplicated the issue. If Titor knew the future, and gave us a true story about it, it does not necessarily follow that it will "repeat" itself for us. That it happened to him does not mean that it will happen to us.

Second of all, lacking proof of his story, we must proceed as though he was a hoax. We are unable to judge him. But because he is a hoax wouldn't mean necessarily that time travel will never occur. We cannot determine that from the Titor material. His timetravel physics have a quantity of baloney in them.

Third, whatever he may ultimately turn out to be, Titor has nothing to say now about what is happening to our society, which is being distorted and threatened by a concealed elite. The rich and powerful interests now running the world behave with a reckless abandon and disregard for posterity that suggests that they have inside information about the future of the human race. Even the greediest of them would perhaps curtail their behavior enough to secure humanity's survival-- but none of them seem to care. It's as though they've already given up.

By far the most chilling demonstration of the proof of Titor's type of prophecies (which were by no means new with him) is the abandonment of the future by the ones with the best view of it and the best reasons to secure a population of cozy consumers. The rich and powerful behave as though they know something not widely known; as though there were no future.


Active Member
US election passing peacefully?

I am posting this to only respond to Dissnt and react to Mallory tape. (three hours! whew!)

Exit polling was wrong. It was wrong in Virginia and the final official totals were way off of what early, raw, exit polling was. There are no e-voting machines in Virginia. It is all punch card, optical scanning and mechanical tabulation (1940s technology). The same thing happened in Indiana. These are only two examples. There are many more.

I don't know the total of precincts that are done with e-voting, but I gather it is very very low. If you can find out the exact number, this paragraph will need updated. Let's say 10% of precincts are done with e-voting (a ridiculously high number). 114 million people voted for prez. Bush won by 5 million. Using the high assumption, 11 million people voted for prez with e-voting machines. In order for Bush to have rigged the election with e-voting, 50% of every single vote cast with e-voting would have to have been rigged to error in Bush's favor. This would not have gone by unnoticed anywhere. Okay, okay, now you're saying, he only needed to rig Ohio. Mallory said several times that Kerry actually won the popular vote as well.

Mallory also said the "gay hating christians" voted for Bush because the anti-gay marriage on the ballot. This did not help Bush in Oregon, Michigan, and Minnesota, three states that voted for Kerry, but against gay marriage.

To prove I listened to the whole three hours, at the top of the second hour, Mallory accidently calls Kerry, "George Kerry". A freudian slip?

The simplist explanation for the election results is...a majority of Americans choose and voted for George Bush. If you except this, all of Mallories theories evaporate. The election results also match almost exactly what the pre-election polling was showing. A slight lead for Bush, about 51 to 48 percent. The average of all the polls, the day before the election, showed a Bush lead of 1.5%. This is what the election results also show.
Bush had also been leading Kerry is the average of all polls since September 1.

Is Mallory suggesting that CNN, CBS, the New York Times, Newsweek; whose polls show the day before and days leading up to the elction, that Bush was leading; are in the Republicans back pocket?

The problem with exit polling that has feuled the conspiracy theorists is that the RAW data was release without interpolation or correlation. I have studied some political science and raw date from exit polling MUST be interpolated and correlated to make any sense. The exit polling on NOvermber 2 was done in a smattering of places. The EARLY RAW exit polling showed a Kerry lead. It was this data that was leaked on the internet. When this is interpolated and correlated, it may actually mean a Bush lead. Let me try to explain. Exit polling is usually done in high population areas. These areas are typically Democrat voters. Using history of the precinct, sometimes a hundred year or more history, you can interpret the results as such: A 2% exit poll lead in X precint for Y candidate, based on history of previous elections for a hundred years, correlates to a 1% lead for Z candidate. Based on the history of how a precint votes, with exit polling in a few places you can determine how the whole state will vote with pretty good accuracy. EARLY, RAW data that has not been correlated or interpreted is meaningless.

Mallories entire theory that Bush rigged the election with e-voting is baseless. The election results mached what polls were showing. The exit polling that was wrong everywhere (in states with NO e-voting and in states with it). Gay hating fundamentals did not drive this election, they voted in the same percentage as 4 years ago. (This last point, Mallory contridicts himself. Did Bush steal the election or did gay hating fundies driven to a frenzy pull it through for Bush? Of which THREE states for Kerry AND against gay marriage?!?)

the only thing Mallory has is that most of the machines were built by Diebold, which is owned by republicans. Yet, it was the States and local precincts that decided to use these machines, and in many cases it was decided by a Democrat.

I suggest to everyone who mistrust these machines. Vote absent T or provisional or whatever you want to do so you can have your paper trail. Or petition you local board to get rid of them. Or use a modification of them that gives a paper receit. I must warn you, if you give paper reciets, you must have draconian laws to punish those who would pay for votes or intimidate a person to show there receipt and get a "reward".

Judge Bean

Senior Member
US election passing peacefully?

This is what I figured, that is, that up to five million votes would have had to have been stolen to steal the election that way.

Also: the media is ticked off about the exit polls because the media paid a fortune for them. They can't believe they were ripped off.

The polls from the weeks leading up to the election, after the debates, reflect as a whole the election results. If the exit polls had been accurate, and the other ones wrong, the media would have us all angry about the regular polls.

I don't like this guy in the White House any more than the rest of the 54 million Americans, but what I'd really hate is for the entire election process to collapse, and the Constitution further weakened, on account of this shadowy accusation.

Timmy G

US election passing peacefully?

Do you ever wonder how the rest of the world saw our elections? Here's some interesting reading from far far away...

Did Bush fix the elections?
11/09/2004 10:54

Why did Kerry throw in the towel so soon?

The appearance of Osama bin Laden bang on cue was suspicious, to say the least, as is now the increasing evidence pointing toward election fraud in the United States of America on November 2nd. Exit polls in sensitive districts just don't add up to the official figures. Did Bush fix it?

In Ohio, for instance, the sensitive state which gave Bush the 20 electoral college votes he needed, CNN exit polls among women awarded Kerry the vote by 53 to 47% and among men by 51 to 49%. The question was "Who did you vote for" but the point is were the votes counted?

Let us examine the various complaints against the official result on November 2nd and let us see in how many ways the Bush regime could have influenced the vote, through ballot tricks.

Absence of Control

Russian observer Aleksei Ostrovsky declared that he was shocked by what he saw. "It is enough to say 'I am Mr. Smith' and (the person) is allowed to vote. The same person can exit one polling station and vote again using the same procedure".


These votes belong principally to African Americans, Hispanics or ethnic minorities, who have not been properly instructed how to vote and more interestingly, would be more inclined to vote for the Democratic Party. On average, these votes account for 3% of the total and can be excluded from the count arbitrarily, or included, depending on the whim of the Secretary of State in the State concerned.

For example, in 2000, Secretary of State Kate Harris in Florida decided to arbitrarily exclude the counting of 179,855 votes, the so-called hanging chads. It was worthwhile: Ms. Harris got a seat in Congress and Bush won the state.

In Ohio, 2000 the spoiled vote accounted for 1,96% of the total, 110.000 votes. Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell stated shortly before the 2004 election, "the possibility of a close election with punch cards as the state's primary voting device invites a Florida-like calamity". The Ultra-right Blackwell would therefore have been well prepared for what was going to ensue.

In New Mexico, uncounted spoiled votes in 2000 accounted for 2,68% of the total, translated into 18.000 votes. Bush won the state by 11.620.

The Challenge

In some states, including Ohio, the Republicans adopted the Challenge, in which Republican watchdogs manned the doors of the polling stations and challenged those they thought might be ineligible to vote - mostly African Americans and Hispanics, who would be more likely to vote Democrat. The idea is to block the line, forcing people to lose patience and go away.

Provisional votes

Provisional ballots are often handed to African Americans and Hispanics, rather than the type of vote that will be counted. Provisional and absentee ballots are not always counted and it is the decision of the Secretary of State of the State concerned to decide whether to count them or not. Bush won Ohio by 136,483 votes. There were between 175,000 and 250,000 uncounted votes.

Turning away voters

Santiago Juarez, of the "Faithful Citizens' Program" in New Mexico, stated that voters were turned away from some polling stations. In Ohio, at the Glenwood Elementary station in Toledo, over 200 people left the station because it opened late and then ran out of pencils - this being in a primarily Democratic district.

Voter Suppression

Before the election, the Baltimore Chronicle reported, "Through a combination of sophisticated vote rustling, ethnic cleansing of voter rolls, absentee ballots gone AWOL, machines that 'spoil' votes, John Kerry begins with a nationwide deficit that could easily reach one million votes".

In Ohio, Ken Blackwell tried to force through legislation requiring that registration applications not posted on the correct weight of paper should be discounted, then he sought to suppress the provisional ballots, challenging the validity of 35.000 new voter applications.

Manipulation of votes and results

In Florida, 13 counties reported more votes than voters, these accounting for 39.4% of the vote. In Ohio, at the Gahana 1 Precinct, Bush received 6,253 votes, Kerry 1,916 votes, and the others, 23. This totals 8,192 votes, which is strange, since only 4,346 people voted.

At another Precinct in Gahana, Ohio, 4,258 votes were cast for Bush and only 260 for Kerry, while only 638 people were registered as having voted.

Electronic vote and rigged machines

Hernando Country recorded 0 votes. In Ohio, 14,6% of votes cast were by e-voting machines, which are susceptible to hacking and fraudulent manipulation and the Republicans had worked hard to exclude the possibility of there being a paper trail to provide any proof.

In Florida, electronic scan machines registered a gain of 128.45% for Bush and a decrease of 21% for Kerry, whereas in some places a gain of 400% was recorded for the Republicans and in Liverty County, 700%. Strange.

Ohio purchased e-voting machines from the Diebold Corporation, whose CEO Wally O'Dell is a Bush fundraiser, who promised "to help Ohio deliver its votes to the President". What a good professional he appears to have been.

Fewer machines were placed in Democrat areas in many Precincts, causing long queues to form and people to turn away, frustrated. In Ohio, Blackwell held back the distribution of 2000 machines.

Electoral fraud

In Franklin County, Ohio, Ron O"Brien, County prosecutor declared to 10TV that "people are being paid to register new voters". One man who died in February was registered to vote and in another case, 25 applications belonged to the same person.

In Chaves County, New Mexico, which has an enormous Hispanic, African American and Native American population (who traditionally vote Democrat), Bush won by 68% to 31%. ??

Lost votes

In a county in North Carolina, 4.500 votes went missing due to software problems - the computer had run out of memory.

Not very impressive, especially for a country that likes to stick its unwanted nose into the electoral affairs of other nations and then to make snide remarks. On the basis of this evidence, the USA had better not ever again make any statement whatsoever about fair voting procedures, anywhere.

In conclusion, does this surprise anyone? Not really, since Bush and his regime have spent four long years telling lies and cooking up tall stories. The question remains, why did John Kerry throw in the towel so soon, since all this was taking place. Didn't he know? Wasn't he informed? Or did something more sinister happen?

Or, could something else be behind both Messrs. Bush and Kerry, such as the neo-conservative clique orchestrated by Cheney, a form of supra-political party eminence grise which really pulls the strings in the USA and dictates Washington's foreign and domestic policy?

The article can be found HERE

Judge Bean

Senior Member
US election passing peacefully?

Originally posted by Timmy G@Nov 15 2004, 07:24 AM
Do you ever wonder how the rest of the world saw our elections? Here's some interesting reading from far far away...

Did Bush fix the elections?
11/09/2004 10:54

Why did Kerry throw in the towel so soon?

The appearance of Osama bin Laden bang on cue was suspicious, to say the least, as is now the increasing evidence pointing toward election fraud in the United States of America on November 2nd. Exit polls in sensitive districts just don't add up to the official figures. Did Bush fix it?

In Ohio, for instance, the sensitive state which gave Bush the 20 electoral college votes he needed, CNN exit polls among women awarded Kerry the vote by 53 to 47% and among men by 51 to 49%. The question was \"Who did you vote for\" but the point is were the votes counted?

Let us examine the various complaints against the official result on November 2nd and let us see in how many ways the Bush regime could have influenced the vote, through ballot tricks.

Absence of Control

Russian observer Aleksei Ostrovsky declared that he was shocked by what he saw. \"It is enough to say 'I am Mr. Smith' and (the person) is allowed to vote. The same person can exit one polling station and vote again using the same procedure\".


These votes belong principally to African Americans, Hispanics or ethnic minorities, who have not been properly instructed how to vote and more interestingly, would be more inclined to vote for the Democratic Party. On average, these votes account for 3% of the total and can be excluded from the count arbitrarily, or included, depending on the whim of the Secretary of State in the State concerned.

For example, in 2000, Secretary of State Kate Harris in Florida decided to arbitrarily exclude the counting of 179,855 votes, the so-called hanging chads. It was worthwhile: Ms. Harris got a seat in Congress and Bush won the state.

In Ohio, 2000 the spoiled vote accounted for 1,96% of the total, 110.000 votes. Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell stated shortly before the 2004 election, \"the possibility of a close election with punch cards as the state's primary voting device invites a Florida-like calamity\". The Ultra-right Blackwell would therefore have been well prepared for what was going to ensue.

In New Mexico, uncounted spoiled votes in 2000 accounted for 2,68% of the total, translated into 18.000 votes. Bush won the state by 11.620.

The Challenge

In some states, including Ohio, the Republicans adopted the Challenge, in which Republican watchdogs manned the doors of the polling stations and challenged those they thought might be ineligible to vote - mostly African Americans and Hispanics, who would be more likely to vote Democrat. The idea is to block the line, forcing people to lose patience and go away.

Provisional votes

Provisional ballots are often handed to African Americans and Hispanics, rather than the type of vote that will be counted. Provisional and absentee ballots are not always counted and it is the decision of the Secretary of State of the State concerned to decide whether to count them or not. Bush won Ohio by 136,483 votes. There were between 175,000 and 250,000 uncounted votes.

Turning away voters

Santiago Juarez, of the \"Faithful Citizens' Program\" in New Mexico, stated that voters were turned away from some polling stations. In Ohio, at the Glenwood Elementary station in Toledo, over 200 people left the station because it opened late and then ran out of pencils - this being in a primarily Democratic district.

Voter Suppression

Before the election, the Baltimore Chronicle reported, \"Through a combination of sophisticated vote rustling, ethnic cleansing of voter rolls, absentee ballots gone AWOL, machines that 'spoil' votes, John Kerry begins with a nationwide deficit that could easily reach one million votes\".

In Ohio, Ken Blackwell tried to force through legislation requiring that registration applications not posted on the correct weight of paper should be discounted, then he sought to suppress the provisional ballots, challenging the validity of 35.000 new voter applications.

Manipulation of votes and results

In Florida, 13 counties reported more votes than voters, these accounting for 39.4% of the vote. In Ohio, at the Gahana 1 Precinct, Bush received 6,253 votes, Kerry 1,916 votes, and the others, 23. This totals 8,192 votes, which is strange, since only 4,346 people voted.

At another Precinct in Gahana, Ohio, 4,258 votes were cast for Bush and only 260 for Kerry, while only 638 people were registered as having voted.

Electronic vote and rigged machines

Hernando Country recorded 0 votes. In Ohio, 14,6% of votes cast were by e-voting machines, which are susceptible to hacking and fraudulent manipulation and the Republicans had worked hard to exclude the possibility of there being a paper trail to provide any proof.

In Florida, electronic scan machines registered a gain of 128.45% for Bush and a decrease of 21% for Kerry, whereas in some places a gain of 400% was recorded for the Republicans and in Liverty County, 700%. Strange.

Ohio purchased e-voting machines from the Diebold Corporation, whose CEO Wally O'Dell is a Bush fundraiser, who promised \"to help Ohio deliver its votes to the President\". What a good professional he appears to have been.

Fewer machines were placed in Democrat areas in many Precincts, causing long queues to form and people to turn away, frustrated. In Ohio, Blackwell held back the distribution of 2000 machines.

Electoral fraud

In Franklin County, Ohio, Ron O\"Brien, County prosecutor declared to 10TV that \"people are being paid to register new voters\". One man who died in February was registered to vote and in another case, 25 applications belonged to the same person.

In Chaves County, New Mexico, which has an enormous Hispanic, African American and Native American population (who traditionally vote Democrat), Bush won by 68% to 31%. ??

Lost votes

In a county in North Carolina, 4.500 votes went missing due to software problems - the computer had run out of memory.

Not very impressive, especially for a country that likes to stick its unwanted nose into the electoral affairs of other nations and then to make snide remarks. On the basis of this evidence, the USA had better not ever again make any statement whatsoever about fair voting procedures, anywhere.

In conclusion, does this surprise anyone? Not really, since Bush and his regime have spent four long years telling lies and cooking up tall stories. The question remains, why did John Kerry throw in the towel so soon, since all this was taking place. Didn't he know? Wasn't he informed? Or did something more sinister happen?

Or, could something else be behind both Messrs. Bush and Kerry, such as the neo-conservative clique orchestrated by Cheney, a form of supra-political party eminence grise which really pulls the strings in the USA and dictates Washington's foreign and domestic policy?

The article can be found HERE

And he has asked them not to fight the Ohio results for him. But, really, look at it from another perspective: would you have heard of all these anomalies if Kerry had won Ohio? If he had won the Electoral vote, the same people finding all of the injustices would be expending all of their energies on denying Bush his "popular victory."


Senior Member
US election passing peacefully?

There may have been some noise, but nothing as overtly obvious as this. This is like trying to hide ALL the water at the bottom of Niagra Falls and claim it stopped running a week ago. There are only 2 possible conclusions. Kerry is in on it and will be paid off by some future position. Kerry knows better than to point the finger at a fellow Skull & Bones man, which means pretty much the same thing as the first.

"All For One & One For One, Let Me Hear It For Me". It's damn good to be King.

Judge Bean

Senior Member
US election passing peacefully?

Originally posted by StarLord@Nov 16 2004, 12:30 AM
There may have been some noise, but nothing as overtly obvious as this. This is like trying to hide ALL the water at the bottom of Niagra Falls and claim it stopped running a week ago. ...

This is my point, though-- if Kerry had won Ohio, and Bush had won the popular vote by 4 million, the entire electoral process would have collapsed in accusations and powergrabs, and they both would have made a claim on the office. The Supreme Court may have decided that, due to a high volume of irregularities in the vote, the Electoral vote is the one more likely in error. There would be intense opposition to this, as well, and in the end the election would have been worthless-- a bad blow to the Constitutional transfer or retention of power. Whichever one got the office in the end would hold it illegally. As it is, the Constitution still wins.


US election passing peacefully?

Originally posted by StarLord@Nov 16 2004, 01:30 AM
There are only 2 possible conclusions. Kerry is in on it and will be paid off by some future position. Kerry knows better than to point the finger at a fellow Skull & Bones man, which means pretty much the same thing as the first.
Totally agree, StarLord. The sooner the americans realize this, the better.
