Weather Related Illnesses


Active Member
Weather Related Illnesses

I'm not sure if this is the right thread topic for this or if it's even paranormal.

Whenever it rains I seem to have an allergic reaction or something. I have "sneezing fits" that seem to last for the entire duration of a rainstorm. I have a slight allergic reaction to hayfever and pollen, but is increased 10 fold when it rains. I asked my doc for medical advice and he said it was coincidence but I am convinced it's not. It reminds me of my grandmother, who has arthritis, and she also says the intensity of her pain is increased with rain. I was wondering if anyone else has unusual health related issues with the weather. I am also interested in peoples views on alternative medicine for my condition, I seem to build a tolerance for antihistamines very quickly which also leads to a dependency. I know I have been very skeptical about other things but would still like to hear peoples ideas on this, it has afflicted me as far back as I can remember and would like for it to stop, or at least know my grandmother and I aren't alone.


Junior Member
Re: Weather Related Illnesses

I get bad headaces right before a storm especially when we've had a dry spot for a few weeks. I take a pain releiver and go to bed to help mine also sometimes just realizing that the headace is because of a storm seems to help a little. My doctor said that everyone builds up a tolerance to antihistamines (it's our bodies job) and soon the medicine will start working again. You could try taking the antihistamines off and on (like take them one week then don't for two or three days).


New Member
Re: Weather Related Illnesses

Whenever it rains or before a storm i get an intense pain in the back of my neck which moves to a migrain when it starts to rain harder. I notice i tend to get arthritus in my hands when it's starting to rain, but i've went to the doctor and specialists and they've determined 'I don't have arthritus, or it's from a virus'. :-/ Massaging the back of my neck usually numbs the pain a little. This happens to my friend also(except the arthritus part) so you're not alone.
