What are your predictions for 2013?


New Member
I have been following paranormalis for quite awhile and finally thought I would sign up and express some of my opinions, especially on the John Titor matter. I have been following The John Titor case for awhile, and it has gained my interest over the years. Whether I am a believer in it or not, it has definitely set anything else to shame in the circumstances that his story presents. This is my first post here on Paranormalis, the deciding factor on joining this website was mainly the ability to have such great people around it, someone who does not bully onto others and respects others opinions. I have read many others posting on this website and are very educated and very intelligent people. So, In conclusion I would like to say I hope I can obtain the certain respects as I continue to post here on Paranormalis and express my ideas or opinions on matters.

Anyways, on topic, I have been a follower of philosophy for a long time, dealing into the Bible Prophecies, the Mayan Calendar (In which I did not think anything would happen- as John Titor has said before.) And countless others that I have been following, but the hardest code that I have been across to break is Nostradamus.

In 2013, I think we see new things as we do every year, We will definitely see some change and advances in the Science part of our understanding, maybe coming across a formation of a planet under our own eyes, as NASA would make discovery known to the public. I do know about the major Volcanic stories but that is always a scenario to consider. I live in Washington State, I did not witness Mount St. Helens but I have seen it a couple times.

What I do see us get closer to was in my opinion, John Titor's Civil War 2. I like to call it The American Rebellion because we would be rebelling against our government even so if it is our Civil rights, John's mention of Civil War too may make more sense, since we are talking about civil rights. The Gun Rights have definitely struck a nerve with people across America. I am in support of owning a gun.

I think we see primarily two states, who have already been rebelling against the Government (Texas, Oklahoma and Florida following later) lead the way for succeeding from the Government, although they will stay part of the United States in reforming the Constitution as our Founding Fathers have. I think instead of having one president after this war we would have a committee of Presidents (8 or so.) But our Voices as citizens would not be ignored in this process. The single importance of what America is and stands for.

I also see that the Marijuana law becoming more flexible with earning money, adding more producing and exporting and so on, I voted no on it, but I understand what it can do in ways to help our economy and could be a huge factor in economy if one state decides to succeed from the Federal Government, as my state and Colorado have already passed laws on Marijuana.

Two things I see in result of Gun Control, one is to secure the protection of the Government in creating something monetary like a market crash or a processing chip in changing our spending, or two, in introduction to another species such as Extraterrestrial life, which may come to shock to many people, but certainly not me as I have learned and accepted that in this world, this Universe, we are not alone. Taking our guns as citizens in introduction to these beings would mean that we would no longer be a majority hostile environment for these species no matter what their tech. advances are. Whether they are here on peace or extermination is controversial. I believe there may be other types of ET that want to see us grow in understanding, love and peace and others who view us as a cancer here on earth. All this I see possible maybe by 2013 to 2017.

One Prediction I have been looking out for is Issac Newtons Prediction that heralds to 2060. That is an interesting one. I also see more states voting on rejecting Obamacare which would soon lead to investigations (which already are happening) into the fraud who electronically created his citizenship. I do not know if the difference would have been made if we elected Romney supposing he goes for everything he said he would do. But the basis is that he was a bushiness man to bring businesses back to America, which in turn would help our economic problems. Our Deficit would go down and such other things.

Thanks taking time to read, peace out.



Time Travel Professor
Welcome new member.

Please keep post good things and bad things you see in the years to come.

Professor Opmmur


New Member
Hello Professor,

I do not view anything more in the future than What John has already given us. I think that is my first visual to go to concerning our future here in the United States. I do believe in many ways this will impact our Religion and our strength of love for God. I am a strong believer in Jesus Christ. John's mother mentioned that John had differences in his view of the 10 (which we call the 10 commandments today). In times in which others struggle, the source of people usually rely on God to overcome the things that do not seem possible in the time, it makes a stronger for who we, and gives us hope for better things. Worse things must happen for better things to come.

I see two timelines that are most possible in our future. The first one I described above. John Titor's Civil War. Collecting our Guns have only furthered our Citizens frustration in our Government body, maybe more towards the administration in current office. I do not live in the Liberal area's in Washington which are in King County, Seattle area. Majority of Washington in the side I was living on were highly conservative and watched Fox News as I did, voted for Romney, but the State still picked Obama. The current topic that is taking our headlines is drones. I think in result of the drones, the gun law will not go through. and the drone topic is not the final spark in the start of the civil war. The government body would have to strike first in order for us to see the final spark that starts the war. If we were to strike first, it would be seen my media and others as a treasonous act rather a treasonous Government. As an American I believe that we will do whatever it takes to make sure our rights are preserved. Even so if it would be a cause of a war. Because our Children are the light of this world, and we will do anything to protect them and secure a better future for them. The Government already knows that they are over confident in this war. They will be more shocked of the resistance than it would have thought. They will find out that money cannot buy our rights and our hearts as patriots. Obama will call on Martial law in war with its own citizens. He would have to create an army that is not of this nation. More like NATO troops of positioning Russians in our own army. Despite things with the Litmus test, our own country men would not fire on the very thing it protects and serves. China will do nothing because it is tangled too much with the American Government. However, Russia is a different play maker. John told us that they do not like our Government, not our people. It has no quarrel with us..Russia may help us. But later than sooner. I probably expect more lives lost than we have ever seen in this Nation. It is such an unfortunate thing, but probably possible for a better future with our future generations.

The Second thing I see here is the revelation of Alien life that has been living and visiting earth since the ancient times. This is just not one type of Alien body but many. One of these alien species will claim to be our creators, and they have an agenda against all male human beings in the world. That agenda may be extinction when would lead to the final war, WW3. It would take all of our women like in the past when it mixed and laid with them as well. These Alien species may be the Annunaki or reptilians. I do believe that there are others living on this earth that want to see our growth and join a Galactic Federation in for preserving peace. And maybe they will war against the Annunaki so that we can accept our place in the Federation and that the Federation has always kept out of our interference in our progression and it must be done ourselves. In joining the federation they could possibility help our growth to progress at a faster rate than without.

There are many other scenarios that I could see, but those two I see the most clearly.



Time Travel Professor

I like your post: It was informative and well thought out. I look forward to further posts from you in the future.

Professor Opmmur


Senior Member
Two things I see in result of Gun Control, one is to secure the protection of the Government in creating something monetary like a market crash or a processing chip in changing our spending, or two, in introduction to another species such as Extraterrestrial life, which may come to shock to many people, but certainly not me as I have learned and accepted that in this world, this Universe, we are not alone. Taking our guns as citizens in introduction to these beings would mean that we would no longer be a majority hostile environment for these species no matter what their tech. advances are. Whether they are here on peace or extermination is controversial. I believe there may be other types of ET that want to see us grow in understanding, love and peace and others who view us as a cancer here on earth. All this I see possible maybe by 2013 to 2017.

I never thought of it like that, Good Prediction jwill


New Member
I don't need to predict...I've seen it....WWIII, The United states one world power, Americans are now slaves and expected to live in a communist way, A rebellion against the United States Government, War with North Korea (WWIII), Millions dying, Billions rising up to rebel against the rest of humanity until there's nothing left....


Senior Member

This may happen at the end of 2013 or in 2014...or even further down the road...but I definitely think this is going to happen in the very near future...

Regarding my prediction in Post #14 above, here is a related news article posted by kcwildman in Post #3 on another thread HERE.

yeah well even the plastic dollars are short to this world the first news release of this kind that I have heard so far

Will Israel be the World's First 'No Cash' State? - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

The government on Tuesday authorized establishment of a committee that will examine ways to eliminate cash from the Israeli economy – the better to prevent citizens from cheating on their taxes. The committee will be chaired by Harel Locker, director of the Prime Minister's Office
