White House admits staging fake vaccination operation to gather DNA from the public


Sounds like something straight out of the X-Files series. Although it didn't officially happened in America yet, that's just another reason to fear vaccination programs.

The White House has officially admitted that fake vaccination programs have been used by the United States as a cover for covertly stealing DNA samples from the public as part of the so-called "war on terror." The aim of the scheme, carried out in the Middle East, was to use DNA analysis to identify suspected terrorists who would then be targeted to be killed by the United States.

As the New York Times reported in 2011, "In the months before Osama bin Laden was killed, the Central Intelligence Agency ran a phony vaccination program in Abbottabad, Pakistan, as a ruse to obtain DNA evidence from members of Bin Laden's family thought to be holed up in an expansive compound there." (1)

"CIA agents recruited a senior Pakistani doctor to organize the vaccine drive in Abbottabad, even starting the "project" in a poorer part of town to make it look more authentic," reports The Guardian (2).

This scheme, first unveiled in 2011, is the first time in history that the U.S. government has been forced to admit using a "public health" activity to secretly and illegally harvest DNA from the public in an attempt to assassinate one individual.

How exactly could a vaccination program harvest DNA from people? It's a simple matter, really. As The Guardian explains, "nurses could have been trained to withdraw some blood in the needle after administrating the drug."

Read more:
White House admits staging fake vaccination operation to gather DNA from the public - NaturalNews.com


Active Member
Another reason I don't do vaccines. I don't trust 'em. Besides, my natural immune system handles things JUST.FINE lol but seriously.


Senior Member
My trust in the government is completely gone...I don't think I will ever be able to believe anything they have to say. lol
I also stay away from vaccines as I don't think it is healthy.


Junior Member
I think age has a lot to do with it. For my generation and generation of my parents,roughly early 1970s to mid 1990s, vaccination was non-negotiable. Either you did it or your child wasn't welcome in public school. Consequently this time span is when people began to lose faith in America and most in my generation consider a free and prosperous America as a mere fantasy. We never knew Civil Liberties, therefore go along with whatever government says. Anyone who doesn't is considered crazy or maybe even a domestic terrorist anyway, so what is to be gained by resisting?
