Debate Who or what created the Universe and how?


PaulaJedi was kind of thinking that "god" may not be personally aware of every person on this planet. That is true, just as I am not personally "aware" of what all the cells in MY body are doing. However, the portion of ourselves that exist in the 4D non-physical/spiritual are intimately aware of our existence and probable future timelines. Here again, information on how to achieve what we desire in life are is provided in dreams. This is a major aspect of ourselves that mankind has yet to pursue.

Our future is also greatly influenced by our beliefs. Beliefs guide our actions, emotions and all aspects of our lives. We often accept certain ideas as truths, not to be questioned. Still, these are only our accepted beliefs of what is true or not. When we change our beliefs, we change our lives and how we experience the world we live in.

I am in a moment of confusion and transition. I somewhat believe, but am also having doubts. Example: Yes, I've always wanted a house, husband, 2 kids. I got it all. ..BUT... I Forgot to wish for love in that mixture. I got what I asked for and nothing more. So yes, partially true. Another example: My biopsy was benign. I was convinced I was cancer free. I wasn't worried at all. Happy as can be. Then, after surgery, a slap in the face. Yes, it turns out that it is indeed cancerous. All that positive thinking down the drain almost as if God was laughing going "Fooled ya!!!!". So, either God doesn't help each individual being, or he has a very sinister sense of humor. I don't normally get THIS personal, but this is what I'm going through right now. I don't know what to believe anymore. I have more examples, but they are very personal, so I won't go into details.


Junior Member
This is my theory. Call me crazy if you like. Have you ever heard of something called the Singularity? Well I believe the Universe is timeless, always was and will be, with no End of Time. If someone built a time machine and traveled 10,000,000 years in the future,something would still be here. What changes is perception and matter. Some other species reached a point in evolution and intelligence until they were able to create artificial life(human beings). Maybe we are created in their image. Maybe they have transcended physical bodies. Human beings are fast approaching our Singularity and when we do we will have created independently functioning life(androids). One day they'll create another species. My point is the Universe is like clay and each species makes their own reality,


Hmm yeah.

What if the universe is a massive calculating machine? Maybe an ancient race in another universe reached their singularity point a very long time ago, inventing a self evolving AI that was able to improve and upgrade itself infinitely. Each generation of AI would be a massive step forward. Then one day the resulting AI as so massive and (almost) infinitely powerful, the only way it could possibly increase its knowledge and capacity was by creating a whole universe for itself to use as a mind blowing, incredibly huge calculator. We are in this universe!

That doesn't explain who created them in the first place though.
I had a dream.
That one day......
Just kidding.
I did have a dream once, I was floating up above earth, far enough I could see most of it, but close enough to see water. Nothing existed accept the earth, the water, air, me, & this sort ball of energy, with feelings & thought. I felt how very lonely it was, and how it very much wanted company....
That was the dream.
I'm telling this dream not because I am confused about this thread, your questions or simply want to go off on random rants, but because that dream is what made me REALLY start thinking about it all.. God, mainly.. it put the idea in my mind that, what if God isn't male or female, but more of an energy with a conscious & some emotion?
This doesn't answer really any of your questions, because, I DON'T KNOW. I have ideas & theories, but of course...SO DOES EVERYONE.
After reading this question I started thinking about THIS:
Everyone is so concerned about WHO MADE US. and who is right & who is wrong. Has anyone else just stopped and realized, WE ARE in here, all this, the planets, galaxies, animals, nature, etc.... we don't know how, we may never know simply for the reason that we literally CANNOT understand it with our minds. We may never know who/what created all that exists but what I do know is this: we do exist. It's what it is, we just are all here, in this strange thing we call existing. I say existing because I do not believe our souls ever just go bloop! Out of existence. Our flesh in bone, it decays..we're on this physical dimension & there are rules of existence, on every level. So...I think I am honestly ok with not knowing or understanding it, because we all have a future to look to. Infinite futures.
Those are my thoughts on that, for now.
Thank you Num for the excellent question, I feel like I had a slight eureka moment and am relieved bc I finally realize I don't have to know to enjoy what is. :) :) :) <3

I kind of like that Roswell alien interview with Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy. According to the alien Airl, we all took part in creating the universe. Apparently we all are immortal beings.

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walt willis

Senior Member
Hmm yeah.

What if the universe is a massive calculating machine? Maybe an ancient race in another universe reached their singularity point a very long time ago, inventing a self evolving AI that was able to improve and upgrade itself infinitely. Each generation of AI would be a massive step forward. Then one day the resulting AI as so massive and (almost) infinitely powerful, the only way it could possibly increase its knowledge and capacity was by creating a whole universe for itself to use as a mind blowing, incredibly huge calculator. We are in this universe!

That doesn't explain who created them in the first place though.

Avery good point!

Now give this some thought...

What if thought energy is much more powerful than we have believed.

Energy may just be mass in motion.

Energy and mass are directly related?

Be careful what you think...
Hmm yeah.

What if the universe is a massive calculating machine? Maybe an ancient race in another universe reached their singularity point a very long time ago, inventing a self evolving AI that was able to improve and upgrade itself infinitely. Each generation of AI would be a massive step forward. Then one day the resulting AI as so massive and (almost) infinitely powerful, the only way it could possibly increase its knowledge and capacity was by creating a whole universe for itself to use as a mind blowing, incredibly huge calculator. We are in this universe!

That doesn't explain who created them in the first place though.

Avery good point!

Now give this some thought...

What if thought energy is much more powerful than we have believed.

Energy may just be mass in motion.

Energy and mass are directly related?

Be careful what you think...
Thoth - God of the Moon, Magic and Writing

Geometry - Reality - Time
Reality is myth, math, and metaphor.

It is a consciousness computer experiment in time and illusion created by thought consciousness. The name Thoth means 'Thought' and 'Time'. Thoth was the master architect who created the blueprint of our reality based on the patterns of sacred geometry or 12 around 1.

The program follows binary code 1010101 [ON OFF ON OFF - Matter Anti-Matter] and repeats in cycles called time.

It is here - in the duality - duat - underworld - chaos - void - place of creation 'outside the box' of our experience - reflected in gods and goddesses, the landscapes of Egypt including the pyramids and temples - that we experience until we evolve in the alchemy of time and consciousness.

Thoth as Hermes in ancient Greece complied the Hermetic Text referred to him as Kore Kosmu.

Mercury who was Hermes in Greek Mythology - Communication

Mercury - Messenger of the Gods
Mercury is god of trade and profit

Diameter of Mercury:
(4,879 km)
Diameter of Moon/Luna
(3,474.8 km)

Geometric Mean:
4,117.63757 kilometers





= 117 and 623169018
623169018 = 2*(3^3)*53*217739

423725 = 52*17*997
622256755 = 5*10853*11467
