Who wrote the Bible. The True !!!!


I have to be honest I never laugh like this lmao I was today with a group of people, english people and for shore English people are the funniest duds in the world. We get to this question by mistake. "Who wrote the Bible?" And one of the guys turned and sayid " what question is that we all know Jesus wrote the Bible" ahahahahah hahahahahaha It took me a few minutes to realise he was serious about that hahahahahahaha hahahhahahaha I can't stop !!! Sorry not a good topic but I need it to share with you this :))

Carl Miller

Active Member
OK It is a valid topic. Lemme quote a friend on this.

'Personally, I can't wholly accept the Old Testament as the literal truth from God, but rather the writings, (albeit, perhaps,divinely inspired), of a people whose society had coalesced to a point where the notion of a Godhead had become a necessity. As you say, Carl, for a very long time it was a verbal tradition. This necessity for it being in written form had partly come about because the innate spiritual selves of these socially evolving peoples recognised a Creator must indeed exist - and, for their leaders, because rituals, religious practices and the setting down of 'laws ordained by God' were necessary for organised and civilised society.
Enough of that.'

Carl Miller

Active Member
Another quote from another friend i found relevant.

'Maybe I can add some information. The first books of the old Testament, had been traded orally for a very long time before they have been put down in written form. The very first part of it 'the genesis' , when it talks about creation of the earth, it also talked about gods spirit floating over the waters, and in the Hebrew language the spirit of God is of female gender. So God is not only male in the old Testament.
The Adam and Eve story text, consists of a weaving of stories of at least two different authors, one which calls that God created the humans, and that he created them as male and female, the second one gives this more detailed story of Eve coming from Adams rib. By the way Adam means 'he man' and Eve means 'she man'. Difficult to translate otherwise to English. But they have been weaved together to form one single account.
Above details only for clarification.
The problem with all the holy books is, that once the texts are put down, then the holiness of the book is prohibiting any new interpretation, as it is declared as Gods Words by its possessors.'


Yes I study both I guess. I know the part with the rib and I am shore I didn't see it recently. It must be a old one I read back in Romania where the majority is orthodox (didn't find a big difference from the catholic bible ) Now with the New Testament they change it a lot. I guess there is less details. Who knows. I am happy I can actually believe there is a God or a higher power but I am in contradiction with the bible at the same time

Carl Miller

Active Member
According to the Bible Eve was created from one of Adam's ribs. It means Eve is part of Adam. It is not a divisive idea. Adam before the supposed fall was androgynous He/She so as God Jeovah means He/She in one. I think the Bible must be considered as a product of the human mind. God is made out of human fantasy. Nothing more than this.


where the wild things are
what question is that we all know Jesus wrote the Bible

The way the modern church teaches and preaches, its pretty easy to believe that Jesus wrote the bible. Just saying.

Carl Miller

Active Member
These tv mega pastors have given the Bible a bad name. Rather they have been misusing Jesus' words to explore naive followers.
It is evident the greed for money. Pay one hundred thousant dollars to have one's named written in stone on the top of the mount Sinai?
By Jove!


Active Member
But really, what I was told (told, exactly. Why I don't go to church)
That the 12 disciples wrote the Bible. I don't know. I WASNT THERE either lol
