Recent content by 8thsinner

  1. 8

    What do you know about atlantis?

    The eye of the saharah, yeah I've heard of that one. Haven't followed it up much but don't disbelieve it either.
  2. 8

    What do you know about atlantis?

    Aside from the obvious plato story that is.
  3. 8


    It actually happens a couple of times a year. I'm bored of disclosure quite frankly. You know what would be really nice though? Amenity in the presence of dichotomy.
  4. 8

    Why Has a Group of Orcas Suddenly Started Attacking Boats?

    I think it's likely you are correct.
  5. 8

    The world is actually so fuckd up right now that there are people that have undertaken surgeries...

    The world is actually so fuckd up right now that there are people that have undertaken surgeries to practically become dogs..look up the dalmation man... I've learned, don't try and figure people out...
  6. 8

    Subliminal Warfare | Mind Control and Invisible Influence

    I'll watch tomorrow but influence isn't hard at all. You can change the energy in a room just by waving a pencil at the right frequency which can be felt at the opposite side of a presentation room.
  7. 8

    I had a recent experience with psychic abilities and need information

    He is talking about brainwave entrainment technologies
  8. 8

    I had a recent experience with psychic abilities and need information

    Any exceptionally skilled tai chi master would know energy manipulation, but they're hard to find. Any reasonably skilled qi gong practioner should also have this as a basic and they are much easier to find. Theres also plenty of energy workers around, advanced tantra practioners etc. Most of...
  9. 8

    I had a recent experience with psychic abilities and need information

    Seizures in humans, especially some on the autism spectrum are sometimes linked to abilities like astral projection and other higher states of awareness but from what i've read the first initial stages don't run like that, it's more feeling like a medical problem until years after and lots of...
  10. 8


    Well that definitely opens things up beyond normal chi/, claims of antigravity potentials...I doubt very much it could lift a whole craft, but if theres any truth to the style of set up then I could see how rotating a bunch of these might lift a circular craft...doesn't compare to any of the...
  11. 8


    Well it's not really electronics. It just uses a very slight electronic charge from spare electros in the environment to charge the geometry of the crossing circuitry so as to more precisely align the electro and magnetic fields. Perhaps align isn't the best word, rejoin.. I've not seen a design...
  12. 8

    Get yourself a good hard tail and add a mid drive to it.

    Get yourself a good hard tail and add a mid drive to it.
  13. 8

    Dark Matter

    Not impressed at all. Same dark soulless sci fi as all the other recent crap these days. Its like their using the same formula for a lot of stuff.
  14. 8

    Tomorrow's News Today

    Over 50% of the news these days is fake so it's probably not much good knowing what tomorrows lies are going to be. A diary is interesting, but I'm not sure I can be bothered starting one so it probably wouldn't exist that way. Unless I was stuck in a loop...That would probably suck.
