04-24-2024 Telepathy Encounter


Junior Member
4/24/2024 I got telepathic messages right after waking up around 11:20 AM. The first message sounded like a walkie-talkie that said “Anthony”. The second message sounded like a middle aged man's voice that said “Of 1,000 years ago”. I wondered if it meant somebody from 1,000 years ago from now or if I was the one 1,000 years in the past from the sender of the message 1,000 years in the future. Why would I receive these messages on a date with only 0’s 2’s, and 4’s? 04-24-2024.


Active Member
All ascending being begin to hear others telepathically, other species, other beings, angels, et's, but also demons of more variety than I know the names off.
Learn to meditate after the rem states and enter into the lowest brainwave state you can to connect to them but use your discernment on what is talking to you, and what their agenda is. Because ALL beings, angels included have an agenda for contact. Make sure you and your heart and you and your gut are on good talking terms, and when they warn you of danger, listen to them.
Also, its probably far too early to figure out the details of what it means though, the mind can get lost in this. Don't bother trying to understand it all yet.
Evolution is inevitable, so just go with it.

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Active Member
@8thsinner I don't know who or what was trying to communicate, how ever I have had this happen to me in the past and these messages sound exactly like EVP. Do dates and times play a role? Was the message for me or somebody else? Was it human or non-human?
If you heard it it was aimed at you.
More likely non human.
Now your starting to get sensitive you might start hearing your friend voices when you're with them in person in between conversations you may hear thoughts every now and again.
Thats how mine started. I started seeing their memories as the images came to them when they were going through their memories.

But if you're alone. Its for you and unless it sounds like your friends/family/lover its probably ets.

Numbers play a role in everything yes, but not about the message itself usually. Numbers reflect the type of energy you are in.

Look up base 12 numerology, theres lots of complexities in discerning precise meaning but a basic understanding of the 12 cycles + intuition and practice can guide you.
