Active Member
Perhaps a catalyst for near future conflicts in the US. Would Biden deploy national guard against citizens if unrest starts in the near future?
If they're against the opposition party, then yes.

Trump was accused of having declared taxes incorrectly as legal advice while the money did not go to a lawyer. Stormy Daniels did of course have motive to lie in order to get money with or without a true story, but either way the taxes should have been declared correctly for such a large sum of money, which is what the trial is about.
The money DID go to a lawyer! A lying one at that. A KNOWN LYING ONE. Unreliable witness.

So how many other politicians have paid off prostitutes in this method??? As Ein just mentioned, NDA's are legal between consenting adults.

If Trump was really guilty, I'd give my usual "hang the bastard!" line... but all I see is political bullshit.


Active Member
I just realized something... Biden agreed to debate Trump because he knew that Trump would already be in jail. There will be no debate. Initially I thought the LWO was going to sacrifice Biden in the debate as there aren't enough stimulants in the world to make Biden that coherent. The LWO media will declare that Biden won by default and turn it into a fundraising event.


Senior Member
No one apparently knows what the underlying crime was. An NDA agreement is legal. So I'm at a loss for how a jury could find Trump guilty of 34 felonies Without first finding out what the underlying crime was that made an NDA agreement a felony. I can only hope that the Supreme court steps in on this one. At any rate Merchan might be in danger of losing his life for what he has done.
NDA is when you are prevented from revealing trade secrets. What Trump gave Stormy Daniels was a gag order (same as the judge gave Trump to prevent leaking the names of jury members) which itself is intrinsically legal but in the context of an election, covering up the truth becomes a scam against voters, just like when a company bribe reviewers to take down negative reviews.

I'm sure that many other politicians have done the same and they should also be prosecuted in such cases. It does however not change the fact that he broke the law and was the one who go caught doing it. Always unfair that some get away doing the same, but that is just how it works. Evidence is needed.


Perhaps a catalyst for near future conflicts in the US. Would Biden deploy national guard against citizens if unrest starts in the near future?

It won't. Many Americans are fat and lazy. They're afraid of being arrested. If 20 million people protested, yes, things would happen, but 100 random people holding up signs will change nothing. It's sad that the military doesn't see what's going on. It's really sad.


NDA is when you are prevented from revealing trade secrets. What Trump gave Stormy Daniels was a gag order (same as the judge gave Trump to prevent leaking the names of jury members) which itself is intrinsically legal but in the context of an election, covering up the truth becomes a scam against voters, just like when a company bribe reviewers to take down negative reviews.

I'm sure that many other politicians have done the same and they should also be prosecuted in such cases. It does however not change the fact that he broke the law and was the one who go caught doing it. Always unfair that some get away doing the same, but that is just how it works. Evidence is needed.

Bill Clinton did, however, I don't know if it was before an election. Wasn't it Paula Jones?


Active Member
NDA is when you are prevented from revealing trade secrets. What Trump gave Stormy Daniels was a gag order (same as the judge gave Trump to prevent leaking the names of jury members) which itself is intrinsically legal but in the context of an election, covering up the truth becomes a scam against voters, just like when a company bribe reviewers to take down negative reviews.
NDA's are not restricted like you're describing in the BRA.

I'm sure that many other politicians have done the same and they should also be prosecuted in such cases. It does however not change the fact that he broke the law and was the one who go caught doing it. Always unfair that some get away doing the same, but that is just how it works. Evidence is needed.
You're continually missing something. Bragg stated that he had the "evidence" to escalate long expired misdemeanors into felonies, but we have NEVER SEEN IT! That's a key portion of the case against Trump, and it's HIGHLY ILLEGAL to exclude it from the case... otherwise the case HAS NO STANDING! This whole case is based on a "red herring". If this "evidence" was so damning, then why didn't Bragg's predecessors prosecute Trump when it happened? Why didn't Bragg do that when he first came into office? Remember that Bragg was elected based on persecution of Trump, which is also illegal as he has a strong BIAS against the defendant and should have recused himself. If this "evidence" was so damning, then why didn't other federal agencies prosecute Trump during the statute of limitations??? If this "evidence" is so damning, then why can't it come into light after the trial is over???

When a country goes down this path, it goes down the toilet.

When a country openly attacks one political party and actively buries all damning evidence of the other political party, it goes down the toilet.

When a political party says they're only doing this to protect you and we love all our citizens, it's 100% BULLSHIT! When they get away with it once, they'll do it again, and again, and again... until it becomes case law to be used against EVERYONE! We are now the Banana Republic of America... or maybe the People's Republic of America. (Funny how a "people's republic" never belongs to the people... false advertising.)

Bill Clinton did, however, I don't know if it was before an election. Wasn't it Paula Jones?
This gave rise to the whitehouse(dot)com porn site.
