3 or 4 channel sine wave generator needed with visuals


...From what I have observed most "hoaxes" are actually cover ups where the black ops assholes have done the perfect amount of misinformation to leave people totally confused, there is a simple way to look at most of it, a, it doesn't actually matter and it's a distraction from self growth anyway, b, if there is talk of something or someone trying to help humanity with advanced tech or some shit, it's usually true when it is kept in small circles, but starts getting wobbly when large numbers of people are involved. Like the whole titor thing, is he real? who gives a shit, does the information spark the inclination in SOME select few people to build and play, and learn and explore? if yes, then it's always going to lead to possible growth in terms of humanities growth, if no, then it was probably disinformation bs that no genuine person resonated with because their soul knows its bs anyway.
If it doesn't spark intelligence to explore then its' just background...
People get caught up in right and wrong and real or not real completely ignorant that in a world where there is no non localised reality and multiple timelines then all things can be true for someone, what really matters is what YOU the individual can do about it. No matter what it is, someone somewhere will say it's impossible until someone else comes along and makes it a reality.

sry, I can get kinda ranty...
Hahaha. No worries. Buckle up. Me, too, about to rant. I think we are pretty much in agreement.

I have a theory about at least some reported alien contacts, a theory I call "benevolent disinformation". [Note that there may be a variety of aliens with differing agendas - this pertains to one strain of encounter.] If you look at reports by contactees, especially from the 50s and 60s (before the surge of reports of encounters with greys) there are two features that frequently occur together: absurdity and assertions by the aliens that they have a moral imperative to not interfere with earth development (though they are making exception to warn about atomic weapons, etc, because of the critical circumstance). The absurdity appears in things like saying they are from Venus, giving trips to Saturn, naive or incorrect (in retrospect) science explanations, appearing human and speaking in English (though this may have alternative, reasonable explanation), etc. The non-interference piece gets explained as that they will only contact and provide information to those who request or are open to it, that they cannot make overt mass contact or allow evidence of their visits unless in a very controlled manner, because they interpret allowing such evidence as a forced exposure and a violent change in human beliefs for which they would be responsible. So to their view there must always be deniability about flying saucer phenomena, until humankind on a mass scale is welcoming and accepting of it. To me that suggests that the absurdity in the reports may be intentional, a shielding created by aliens to deliberately maintain human doubt about the phenomena.

If you look at these aliens as attempting to gently guide willing students without "forcing" changes in understanding, there are other benefits to them incorporating absurdities or errors into their encounters with humans. They may deliberately introduce errors so that only those who actively and sceptically engage with the material will learn from it. They want us to learn how to learn, not to be unthinking recipients of gratuitous gifts of knowledge. Additionally, they may scattershot partial information with various degrees of distortion to multiple people, so that what seeds of true knowledge are there can only be harvested by cooperative, communicative humans that are willing to consider a variety of conflicting data points without investing certainty in any of them, or, as Keats said, to accept “uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason”.

In some of these same contacts, the aliens suggest that they also covertly inspire some humans that may not be aware that they are in contact with aliens. Some inventions, works of fiction, etc. may be the result of such subtle prodding (in dreams, for example). They do not consider it interference to plant a seed if only the intelligence, skill, knowledge and active engagement with that seed by the one that received it can bring it to harvest. In light of this, even a conscious hoaxer may be unknowingly alien-inspired and a vehicle of significant information (which REALLY muddies the waters, but muddying the waters may be by agenda).


Paragons of the particular type of alien contacts I write about above are the UMMO affair, the Amicizia/Friendship case, and the Space Intelligences associated with Ted Owens. A good source of Ummite texts can be found here: UMMO-Ciencias - Las cartas de UMMO Most are in Spanish and French, but many are translated into English.
Also here: UMMO - UMMITE PHYSICS AND METAPHYSICS - A new website devoted to the Ummites - Ummo, Synopsis:A001

Regarding my research into Ummite frequencies... In the correspondence Introduction letter to Manuel Campo from 1967 labelled D21, it says (translated from Spanish), "The impulse frequency activation of nerve centers located in the choroid plexus ventrolateral Brain is 6 x 12^3 cycles per second." This would be 10368 Hz (6 x 12 x 12 x 12 cycles per second).

This is curious on a couple fronts:
- 10368 Hz is in the high audible range, not generally what we might consider a good fit for what the Ummites say is a "Frequency unit widely used in neurophysiology". That seems akin to using kilometres as a unit for shoe sizes.
- It is not unusual that a significant brain frequency would be expressed in even units (here, in their base-12 system). We do similar citing Alpha as 8-12 Hz, Theta as 4-8 Hz, etc. What is unusual is that it would be expressed in even units given that it is expressed in alien (our) units (IE. "seconds"). If, for example, you convert 8 Hz to using UIWs, the UMMO unit of time (equivalent to 3.09 seconds, as given immediately prior in the same correspondence), you get 24.72 cycles per UIW - which suggests that any reference to 8 Hz would be from a human context; if 8.09 Hz was referenced, we might suspect it is a conversion from a Ummite context, as it would be found rounded in Ummite units (25 cycles per UIW). The frequency given in the correspondence, 6 x 12 x 12 x 12 cycles per second, is a weird hybrid that doesn't appear native to either Ummite or human context.

HOWEVER, although in letter D21 it defines the Ummo time unit UIW as equivalent to about 3.09 seconds, in letters D33-3, D-65, D41-1 and D57-1, a UIW is defined as 3.09 minutes. If we consider the given frequency, given its "roundness", is more likely of Ummite origin than human and is probably expressed in UIW, not seconds, and if we consider that UIW more likely converts to 3.09 minutes, not seconds, suddenly the significant brain frequency falls into the range of recognised human brain frequencies. What appears to be initially given as 10368 Hz (6 x 12 x 12 x 12 cycles per second) may be intended, once given attention and discernment, to convey 55.9223300970874 Hz (6 x 12 x 12 x 12 / 3.09 / 60 cycles per second).

Not only does that "correction" bring the frequency within the range of human brain waves but if you compare it and its octaves to frequencies in frequently-reprinted lists of significant frequencies given for exploration with binaural beats, it and its octaves have interesting correlations.

447.378640776699          448 Hz Third Eye Chakra (14:1) (Note=A) [BH3]
55.9223300970874          55 Hz Tantric yoga; stimulates the kundalini
13.9805825242718          14 Hz Alert focusing, vitality, concentration on tasks [SS?]; Schumann Resonance 3 (2nd of 7 frequencies. 7.83 HZ being the first) [TS+HSW]
6.99029126213592          7 Hz Mental & astral projection, bending objects, psychic surgery; Increased Reaction Time [SS]; Mass aggregate frequency (can deaggregate matter)

These considerations have provided the foundation of my experiment with Ummite frequencies and affect on brain waves. I am interested to hear more of your discoveries and explorations.
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Active Member
Paragons of the particular type of alien contacts I write about above are the UMMO affair, the Amicizia/Friendship case, and the Space Intelligences associated with Ted Owens. A good source of Ummite texts can be found here: UMMO-Ciencias - Las cartas de UMMO Most are in Spanish and French, but many are translated into English.
Also here: UMMO - UMMITE PHYSICS AND METAPHYSICS - A new website devoted to the Ummites - Ummo, Synopsis:A001

Regarding my research into Ummite frequencies... In the correspondence Introduction letter to Manuel Campo from 1967 labelled D21, it says (translated from Spanish), "The impulse frequency activation of nerve centers located in the choroid plexus ventrolateral Brain is 6 x 12^3 cycles per second." This would be 10368 Hz (6 x 12 x 12 x 12 cycles per second).

This is curious on a couple fronts:
- 10368 Hz is in the high audible range, not generally what we might consider a good fit for what the Ummites say is a "Frequency unit widely used in neurophysiology". That seems akin to using kilometres as a unit for shoe sizes.
- It is not unusual that a significant brain frequency would be expressed in even units (here, in their base-12 system). We do similar citing Alpha as 8-12 Hz, Theta as 4-8 Hz, etc. What is unusual is that it would be expressed in even units given that it is expressed in alien (our) units (IE. "seconds"). If, for example, you convert 8 Hz to using UIWs, the UMMO unit of time (equivalent to 3.09 seconds, as given immediately prior in the same correspondence), you get 24.72 cycles per UIW - which suggests that any reference to 8 Hz would be from a human context; if 8.09 Hz was referenced, we might suspect it is a conversion from a Ummite context, as it would be found rounded in Ummite units (25 cycles per UIW). The frequency given in the correspondence, 6 x 12 x 12 x 12 cycles per second, is a weird hybrid that doesn't appear native to either Ummite or human context.

HOWEVER, although in letter D21 it defines the Ummo time unit UIW as equivalent to about 3.09 seconds, in letters D33-3, D-65, D41-1 and D57-1, a UIW is defined as 3.09 minutes. If we consider the given frequency, given its "roundness", is more likely of Ummite origin than human and is probably expressed in UIW, not seconds, and if we consider that UIW more likely converts to 3.09 minutes, not seconds, suddenly the significant brain frequency falls into the range of recognised human brain frequencies. What appears to be initially given as 10368 Hz (6 x 12 x 12 x 12 cycles per second) may be intended, once given attention and discernment, to convey 55.9223300970874 Hz (6 x 12 x 12 x 12 / 3.09 / 60 cycles per second).

Not only does that "correction" bring the frequency within the range of human brain waves but if you compare it and its octaves to frequencies in frequently-reprinted lists of significant frequencies given for exploration with binaural beats, it and its octaves have interesting correlations.

447.378640776699          448 Hz Third Eye Chakra (14:1) (Note=A) [BH3]
55.9223300970874          55 Hz Tantric yoga; stimulates the kundalini
13.9805825242718          14 Hz Alert focusing, vitality, concentration on tasks [SS?]; Schumann Resonance 3 (2nd of 7 frequencies. 7.83 HZ being the first) [TS+HSW]
6.99029126213592          7 Hz Mental & astral projection, bending objects, psychic surgery; Increased Reaction Time [SS]; Mass aggregate frequency (can deaggregate matter)

These considerations have provided the foundation of my experiment with Ummite frequencies and affect on brain waves. I am interested to hear more of your discoveries and explorations.
I've only looked at their titanium gamma frequency molecular storage system, which ultimately seems valid on all fronts except that I doubt very much titanium to be a suitable medium, even in it's crystal form it's not all that perfect cubic wise, gold would seem a better fit to me, mind you molecular shapes aren't totally my thing but as far as super conductor potentials go, gold is the cleanest purest thing we have and so little research is actually done on it beyond plating it for mostly sound or digital transfers...

Anyway. the brain wave thing, lets pretend for a second it's real then they come from a different dimension, you say that tone is pushing the audible range, I have friends who can hear three times higher than a person half his age is supposed to, but he's a rare breed who can see the full morphogenetic fields of everything as if he was on lsd permanently. it drives him nuts but him like others, they can see auras and entities because their brains are filtering less of reality. Your assumptions for human capacity seem to be based on the medical average which doesn't even come close to levels of a brain in higher dimensional awareness. If you were to map the density of consciousness to cycles per second in anyway then your base level which would be the highest density of consciousness (12d) would function per plank second.

Most idiot sleeping humans function in 3d, completely dumbed down and slowed down and 100% attached to the matrix, someone closer to 5d/6d, you are looking at neural processing speeds above that of a gifted autistic person most of whom already compute ten times faster than the average human.
My point is, density of awareness shouldn't be averaged out to medical documentation for average people.

Also, physical function alone doesn't cover all communications in the body, the meridian channels as discovered by that swiss or sweedish guy a decade or so ago proved the meridians are moving light in nano scale optical fibres essentially.
The body is just a manifestation of the soul essence, it is only the receiver. It's also been proven that it's reality is projected up to 18 seconds in advance of the brain, again those numbers were taken from medical and psychological research, the average person I think was 4 seconds in advance. If we presume 18 seconds is still just the average for a psychic person, who is barely into the 4th density of awareness then 5d persons...probably more like 30 seconds to a minute.

So it has nothing to do with physical brain limitations or averages.


Active Member
I think we would agree on many things.
And things definitely do get muddied as you say, even tesla left false blueprints in his papers, his bi filar coil design is probably the most famous example of that, and I am sure many almost correct pieces of information are being left on purpose only to be decoded by someone who knows that they are doing I think thats why it's so important to do your own thinking, and more importantly experimentation. My specialty is the orgonites, and I have gotten downloads on that stuff, but in the beginning working with what the internet calls good designs for orgonite was just a joke, it became very obvious very quickly that most people are just doing what someone else has said to do. Its took me about 4-5 years before my designs stopped evolving, maybe there is more to find and more to download but either way. It's a pretty simple technology all things considered.

Getting to the truth about everything else out there...i've got books with over 4 thousand patents on free energy I haven't even dove into, in all my years i've only seen one so far that wasn't patented that has any real potential to go into mass use. Based on magnetic propulsions using modified halbech arrays kinda...Patents left in public...if they worked as advertised ppl would be making them already so why aren't they? As you say, muddy water + lack of real thinkers. Although in some cases lack of money too, you'll never get funding for this kinda research unless you lie about what it is you're doing and buying 25,000 magnets isn't exactly cheap. It is however my goal to do so when finances permit.

One thing I think ets and angels are finally learning is to say fuck the damn rules. Down here the whole place is breaking freewill contracts all over the place with zero accountability cause these bastards in control just switch bodies if they need to and karma never gets put into action. But have you noticed the dramatic rise in ndes in the past two decades with people coming back with information? It doesn't violate the incarnate with no memory laws and it doesn't implicate or leave any evidence either but if you die right you can come back with all the information you need to heal, play music, understand quantum physics or what ever. From my perspective anyway this is one of the best loopholes benevolence can use against the darkness and injustice here. And I think it's making a difference too.
Hahaha. No worries. Buckle up. Me, too, about to rant. I think we are pretty much in agreement.

I have a theory about at least some reported alien contacts, a theory I call "benevolent disinformation". [Note that there may be a variety of aliens with differing agendas - this pertains to one strain of encounter.] If you look at reports by contactees, especially from the 50s and 60s (before the surge of reports of encounters with greys) there are two features that frequently occur together: absurdity and assertions by the aliens that they have a moral imperative to not interfere with earth development (though they are making exception to warn about atomic weapons, etc, because of the critical circumstance). The absurdity appears in things like saying they are from Venus, giving trips to Saturn, naive or incorrect (in retrospect) science explanations, appearing human and speaking in English (though this may have alternative, reasonable explanation), etc. The non-interference piece gets explained as that they will only contact and provide information to those who request or are open to it, that they cannot make overt mass contact or allow evidence of their visits unless in a very controlled manner, because they interpret allowing such evidence as a forced exposure and a violent change in human beliefs for which they would be responsible. So to their view there must always be deniability about flying saucer phenomena, until humankind on a mass scale is welcoming and accepting of it. To me that suggests that the absurdity in the reports may be intentional, a shielding created by aliens to deliberately maintain human doubt about the phenomena.

If you look at these aliens as attempting to gently guide willing students without "forcing" changes in understanding, there are other benefits to them incorporating absurdities or errors into their encounters with humans. They may deliberately introduce errors so that only those who actively and sceptically engage with the material will learn from it. They want us to learn how to learn, not to be unthinking recipients of gratuitous gifts of knowledge. Additionally, they may scattershot partial information with various degrees of distortion to multiple people, so that what seeds of true knowledge are there can only be harvested by cooperative, communicative humans that are willing to consider a variety of conflicting data points without investing certainty in any of them, or, as Keats said, to accept “uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason”.

In some of these same contacts, the aliens suggest that they also covertly inspire some humans that may not be aware that they are in contact with aliens. Some inventions, works of fiction, etc. may be the result of such subtle prodding (in dreams, for example). They do not consider it interference to plant a seed if only the intelligence, skill, knowledge and active engagement with that seed by the one that received it can bring it to harvest. In light of this, even a conscious hoaxer may be unknowingly alien-inspired and a vehicle of significant information (which REALLY muddies the waters, but muddying the waters may be by agenda).


...So it has nothing to do with physical brain limitations or averages.
I don't disagree. My line of reasoning was initially exploring why the Ummites would provide, in one of their early introductory letters, what they say is a significant brainwave frequency in a hybrid Ummite/human format (base-12 & seconds) immediately following a definition of their main time unit that is contrary to how it is defined when referenced in other letters. My thought is they may be conveying, to those who puzzle deep enough, a significant frequency with practical 3D human use - perhaps to assist in tuning in to them. It was then interesting to me that one line of interpretation of all this resulted in frequencies within the measured human brainwave spectrum and having harmonics that were already recognised as having some anomalous affect on human consciousness. This interpretation is not assuming brain frequency limitations, but is moreso considering the possibility that an alien human outreach technology might be designed to work within 3D limitations to assist in stepping it up.


Active Member
I don't disagree. My line of reasoning was initially exploring why the Ummites would provide, in one of their early introductory letters, what they say is a significant brainwave frequency in a hybrid Ummite/human format (base-12 & seconds) immediately following a definition of their main time unit that is contrary to how it is defined when referenced in other letters. My thought is they may be conveying, to those who puzzle deep enough, a significant frequency with practical 3D human use - perhaps to assist in tuning in to them. It was then interesting to me that one line of interpretation of all this resulted in frequencies within the measured human brainwave spectrum and having harmonics that were already recognised as having some anomalous affect on human consciousness. This interpretation is not assuming brain frequency limitations, but is moreso considering the possibility that an alien human outreach technology might be designed to work within 3D limitations to assist in stepping it up.
Oh yeah I get ya, sry i'm exhausted and may have missed your point, there is definitely a bridging of technology that is needed, I don't know if I will get through all their material, the whole spanish and translation bit is just too much effort right now as I am dealing with a lot of crap in my life.
