Apollo 20: The Secret Mission to the Moon to Salvage an Ancient Alien Spacecraft


This is one of the best episodes IMO.

The buildup toward exploring the giant spacecraft was incredible. It's too bad it's not real because it's a pretty crazy story. Loved it.

The mannequin of the alien, in the end, really closes the case. There's no doubt the entire thing is a hoax.

Although... Of all places, would the moon be a great place to look for traces of aliens? Its surface is way older than Earth's because it doesn't have tectonic activity. A spaceship parked somewhere might be hidden under a couple of inches or feet of lunar dust, and have its surface dented and damaged because of asteroids... But it would still be there in theory, even after a million years. No rust, no erosion.

While on Earth, I don't think a crashed UFO would survive the elements for a million years. Let alone a volcano or the ocean's bottom.


I really need to push these guys to Apple TV and watch this weekend.


Temporal Engineer
This is one of the best episodes IMO.

The buildup toward exploring the giant spacecraft was incredible. It's too bad it's not real because it's a pretty crazy story. Loved it.

The mannequin of the alien, in the end, really closes the case. There's no doubt the entire thing is a hoax.

Although... Of all places, would the moon be a great place to look for traces of aliens? Its surface is way older than Earth's because it doesn't have tectonic activity. A spaceship parked somewhere might be hidden under a couple of inches or feet of lunar dust, and have its surface dented and damaged because of asteroids... But it would still be there in theory, even after a million years. No rust, no erosion.

While on Earth, I don't think a crashed UFO would survive the elements for a million years. Let alone a volcano or the ocean's bottom.
This was my first time ever to find out about this. I was just about brought to tears right about the time when they found the alien woman. It seemed very real to me. Only to find out it was all a hoax. So I agree, AJ told the story in a way that had me believing it. It was very entertaining.
