COVID Natural Immunity: What You Need to Know


Senior Member
First off the so called jab is not a true vaccine and it never went into a full three year study review as to be "Safe and effective"!
Also if it is so helpful then why force anyone to get it to protect YOU?
Let us the hell ALONE!
Don't be a fucking Bully!
Grow UP and get a life!
I have a Right to be Free just as you have a Right to be Stupid!
View attachment 13372
Walt Willis said, { First off the so called jab is not a true vaccine }. You're absolutely right because the primary virus in order to fashion a vaccine from, is herpes Laiden. The body already has herpes within it, so this causes autoimmune problems if you do try to make an injectable vaccine. However, a Jenner style skin poke, just might work, that is to an extent.

You might want to drag live covid virus through either formalin, or iodine, before?
