What is the meaning of this in a dream?


Junior Member
Your case recalls me this movie, Inception.
A character argued that if you warped too much a lucid dream, there was somekind of immunitary reaction and so NPCs trended to attack you to stabilize the normal narrative.
Plus, according to my (brief) experience, if you not quickly begin with awareness that this a dream any further mention of this fact will vacuum you out from this very dream and so you are going to wake up.


Junior Member
May you pls tell me how you fight negative energy in a dream?This is not for a fun!! I am serious as from many months,I have many type of bizzare dreams!!

Well...Uhm... About that, I'm not sure if I can tell or explain it to you very clearly. It's not like as if it's a secret technique or something, not at all.

It's just because I am not a master, I don't really understand it myself as to what really happened behind the veil, if you catch my meaning here.

All I did, just follow my master's words, and after a while, it started to happen, just like that. I mean, it wasn't something I gained in just one night.

But, if you'd like to know about this and that, and the process...

My master's method in teaching me is basically deflect and reflect, so it's not really full offensive method.

That's because I'm just an average normal person, so I don't really need to know how to do offense, my master has always been focusing my training on defensive method.

If I forced to go on an offensive mode anyway, the reflect and reflex aspects in my defensive training should be enough for me to hold my own ground until help arrives.

That said, you just don't go 'shoot first ask questions later', if you know what I mean.

The existence of a negative presence around you doesn't always mean a direct threat-at least, not right away.

You don't have to go all out fight them all as for most of the time, it's going to be useless.

As you might have heard, in the nature, there're always exist two sides of positive and negative, doesn't matter wherever you are.
Always, for the sake of the balance in the nature itself.

So, if you went on a quest to fight them all, then you'll just face a series of never ending battles ahead of you. It's just a matter of time before you fall due to exhaustion. It's useless.

That said, you'll just fight only those who directly threatened you.

Small things move by it's own? Something invisible blows air to the behind of your ear? Just shrug it off, it could just be their way of saying 'hello' to you.

Say 'hello' back and completely ignore them, don't give them anymore reasons to get closer to you. Unfortunately, showing off curiosity is one thing that can be one of these reasons.

Like I said, curiosity kills the cat, right? ✌️

It's going to be another story however, when you had your spoon or fork flying by themselves directly toward you.

About the training itself...

First off all, while I'm just an average person, I was like a magnet that attracts negative energies.

My master saw it, so he planned to boost my positive energy, supposedly to nullify the magnet effect.

I'm not that religious of a person, but my master is and he's an old schooler one too, so his method is to utilize something simple yet overlooked or even underestimated by some modern people today; prayers.

Prayers, are just like spells, they're words of power. They seem to lose their power because a lot of people don't trust them anymore, since, well, it's not easy to harness their power.

But once you're able, believe it or not, the power is not to be messed with.

My master gave me sets of prayers and told me to put aside 2 to 3 hours of my daily time to meditate and recite them. Constantly, persistently, everyday.
Perseverance, is highly needed here, am not lying or exaggerating.

Recital by the way, is the most common and easiest way to harness the prayers' power.

As you might have also guessed, protection and salvation prayers are included in the sets.

These prayers, however, are not just random prayers. Through trials and observations-and also other means, my master chose the ones that are compatible with me the most.

Since the process of harnessing the power can be very slow and in case I don't have much time when something is suddenly up, my master also came up with the backup plan.

Just don't be surprised reading this;

The most easiest and common way for it in Indonesia is by pairing a person with at least a positive entity.

Again, they're not just a random positive entities; there're lots of positive entities out there, but not all of them will compatible with a person.

My master, again, chose the most compatible positive entities to be paired with me.
And I've also underwent numerous energy synchronization rituals.

Pairing process is like making a contract, but it's not in a bad way. And like other contracts, there are things you need to do to maintain the bond.

Making offerings is one of the ways in maintaining bonds. Usually I'd offer them some black coffee, cigarettes, and incense.
In a more serious situations when I need them to lend me their strength, I also offered them bakhoor.

After a while in the training process, some people started to appear in my dreams.

The first one to introduce himself to me was one of my ancestors, and as one of my strongest guardians, by name he was known as a grand general in the largest ancient Sundanese Kingdom.

He didn't talk much, but you can say, he guided me when it comes to fighting negative energies in my dream.
He was also the one who told me about the existence of the 9 books.

As time passed by, some other people also came and introduced themselves in my dreams. The ones I remember clearly are the ones who always appeared and assist me in my dreams whenever I had to fight some strong energies.

I don't really know who they are, but there are five of them, three young males and two young females. They dressed in old Sundanese nobility apparel, and they behaved like nobles.

So I guess they came from Sundanese noble families but they are not weak (in fact, even the female ones are far stronger than me) and seemed to be well trained in fighting.

Knights, maybe?

The other ones, were my twins. Come to think of it, at first, it feels weird to see two of myself standing right in front of me, motionless, and with straight face, staring at me...

Anyway, due to my training, in case of a sudden and unexpected attack, I can also instantly create a barrier and a blast to push negative entities away just by reciting some short protective prayers and stomping on the ground.

In case my action is too slow, my spirit guardians will automatically protect me until my barrier is created.

Not only that, my training also shaped my senses to be able to detect threats and act accordingly, as well as naturally completely ignoring or avoiding harmless, or random light and undirected disturbances. But not as far as me to be able to see them, no.

Well, it's a long post already, but I have to write it all so you can understand clearly about the process, in that, it's not something I achieved by myself; I've been guided by my master in real life and by my ancestors and the others in my dreams, and it also required lots of efforts.

Matter of fact, lately, my master told me to try to increase my meditation and prayers recitation time from 3 hours a day to 8 hours...

Anyway, it took me 16 years to reach this point, quiet long, but again, it's due to my nature as an average person without any gift in this matter.

But that's all to it, really...

One morning when I woke up I found my face scratched,yeah you can say that it can be accidentally when I am sleeping.But pls believe me i do not move from my sleeping position,not slightest.And one night i found myself crying during sleep

While I believe that some scratch marks are the sign of attacks, but first do tell me, what kind of scratch did you get there?

I'm afraid I have to tell you, it's also a fact that some people, due to their anxiety or something else, scratched themselves by accident and out of their consciousness, and then just jumped into conclusion that it's gotta be an attack.

I've got scratched too, several of times.

The marks, however, are different than the scratch marks left by human nails.

In fact, human nails won't leave such marks unless, you shaped your fingernails into that of a beast's talon.

The marks were so thin, long and rather deep as if my skin was cut by a razor blade, and even by that, you can only say something might have messed around with you.


As for crying during sleep, it happened to me too. But it doesn't always mean you're under attack. It could also just be you recollected the saddest moments in your life during sleep and unconsciously brought you to tears.

Now there is a real one,a day before yesterday I woke up at 7:32 am in morning and again went to sleep as i thought 8 am will be ok to wake up as I slept lately at night around 2 am.
And I promise I saw exactly 7:32 but when I woke up again it was 7:27 am.I am shocked to see that !! So I woke up immediately that time

I'm sorry in advance, but having the time move backwards is something new to me, so I'm afraid I can't really tell what happened.

But what kind of clock do you use? Digital or wall clock-with pointers?

Once or twice, I've had problems with my wall clock, if the battery or the mechanism inside acted up, and the second hand wouldn't ticking, then it caused the minute hand to move counter clockwise instead.
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Junior Member
Well...Uhm... About that, I'm not sure if I can tell or explain it to you very clearly. It's not like as if it's a secret technique or something, not at all.

It's just because I am not a master, I don't really understand it myself as to what really happened behind the veil, if you catch my meaning here.

All I did, just follow my master's words, and after a while, it started to happen, just like that. I mean, it wasn't something I gained in just one night.

But, if you'd like to know about this and that, and the process...

My master's method in teaching me is basically deflect and reflect, so it's not really full offensive method.

That's because I'm just an average normal person, so I don't really need to know how to do offense, my master has always been focusing my training on defensive method.

If I forced to go on an offensive mode anyway, the reflect and reflex aspects in my defensive training should be enough for me to hold my own ground until help arrives.

That said, you just don't go 'shoot first ask questions later', if you know what I mean.

The existence of a negative presence around you doesn't always mean a direct threat-at least, not right away.

You don't have to go all out fight them all as for most of the time, it's going to be useless.

As you might have heard, in the nature, there're always exist two sides of positive and negative, doesn't matter wherever you are.
Always, for the sake of the balance in the nature itself.

So, if you went on a quest to fight them all, then you'll just face a series of never ending battles ahead of you. It's just a matter of time before you fall due to exhaustion. It's useless.

That said, you'll just fight only those who directly threatened you.

Small things move by it's own? Something invisible blows air to the behind of your ear? Just shrug it off, it could just be their way of saying 'hello' to you.

Say 'hello' back and completely ignore them, don't give them anymore reasons to get closer to you. Unfortunately, showing off curiosity is one thing that can be one of these reasons.

Like I said, curiosity kills the cat, right? ✌️

It's going to be another story however, when you had your spoon or fork flying by themselves directly toward you.

About the training itself...

First off all, while I'm just an average person, I was like a magnet that attracts negative energies.

My master saw it, so he planned to boost my positive energy, supposedly to nullify the magnet effect.

I'm not that religious of a person, but my master is and he's an old schooler one too, so his method is to utilize something simple yet overlooked or even underestimated by some modern people today; prayers.

Prayers, are just like spells, they're words of power. They seem to lose their power because a lot of people don't trust them anymore, since, well, it's not easy to harness their power.

But once you're able, believe it or not, the power is not to be messed with.

My master gave me sets of prayers and told me to put aside 2 to 3 hours of my daily time to meditate and recite them. Constantly, persistently, everyday.
Perseverance, is highly needed here, am not lying or exaggerating.

Recital by the way, is the most common and easiest way to harness the prayers' power.

As you might have also guessed, protection and salvation prayers are included in the sets.

These prayers, however, are not just random prayers. Through trials and observations-and also other means, my master chose the ones that are compatible with me the most.

Since the process of harnessing the power can be very slow and in case I don't have much time when something is suddenly up, my master also came up with the backup plan.

Just don't be surprised reading this;

The most easiest and common way for it in Indonesia is by pairing a person with at least a positive entity.

Again, they're not just a random positive entities; there're lots of positive entities out there, but not all of them will compatible with a person.

My master, again, chose the most compatible positive entities to be paired with me.
And I've also underwent numerous energy synchronization rituals.

Pairing process is like making a contract, but it's not in a bad way. And like other contracts, there are things you need to do to maintain the bond.

Making offerings is one of the ways in maintaining bonds. Usually I'd offer them some black coffee, cigarettes, and incense.
In a more serious situations when I need them to lend me their strength, I also offered them bakhoor.

After a while in the training process, some people started to appear in my dreams.

The first one to introduce himself to me was one of my ancestors, and as one of my strongest guardians, by name he was known as a grand general in the largest ancient Sundanese Kingdom.

He didn't talk much, but you can say, he guided me when it comes to fighting negative energies in my dream.
He was also the one who told me about the existence of the 9 books.

As time passed by, some other people also came and introduced themselves in my dreams. The ones I remember clearly are the ones who always appeared and assist me in my dreams whenever I had to fight some strong energies.

I don't really know who they are, but there are five of them, three young males and two young females. They dressed in old Sundanese nobility apparel, and they behaved like nobles.

So I guess they came from Sundanese noble families but they are not weak (in fact, even the female ones are far stronger than me) and seemed to be well trained in fighting.

Knights, maybe?

The other ones, were my twins. Come to think of it, at first, it feels weird to see two of myself standing right in front of me, motionless, and with straight face, staring at me...

Anyway, due to my training, in case of a sudden and unexpected attack, I can also instantly create a barrier and a blast to push negative entities away just by reciting some short protective prayers and stomping on the ground.

In case my action is too slow, my spirit guardians will automatically protect me until my barrier is created.

Not only that, my training also shaped my senses to be able to detect threats and act accordingly, as well as naturally completely ignoring or avoiding harmless, or random light and undirected disturbances. But not as far as me to be able to see them, no.

Well, it's a long post already, but I have to write it all so you can understand clearly about the process, in that, it's not something I achieved by myself; I've been guided by my master in real life and by my ancestors and the others in my dreams, and it also required lots of efforts.

Matter of fact, lately, my master told me to try to increase my meditation and prayers recitation time from 3 hours a day to 8 hours...

Anyway, it took me 16 years to reach this point, quiet long, but again, it's due to my nature as an average person without any gift in this matter.

But that's all to it, really...

While I believe that some scratch marks are the sign of attacks, but first do tell me, what kind of scratch did you get there?

I'm afraid I have to tell you, it's also a fact that some people, due to their anxiety or something else, scratched themselves by accident and out of their consciousness, and then just jumped into conclusion that it's gotta be an attack.

I've got scratched too, several of times.

The marks, however, are different than the scratch marks left by human nails.

In fact, human nails won't leave such marks unless, you shaped your fingernails into that of a beast's talon.

The marks were so thin, long and rather deep as if my skin was cut by a razor blade, and even by that, you can say something might messed around with you.


As for crying during sleep, it happened to me too. But it doesn't always mean you're under attack. It could also just be you recollected the saddest moments in your life during sleep and unconsciously brought you to tears.

I'm sorry in advance, but having the time move backwards is something new to me, so I'm afraid I can't really tell what happened.

But what kind of clock do you use? Digital or wall clock-with pointers?

Once or twice, I've had problems with my wall clock, if the battery or the mechanism inside acted up, and the second hand wouldn't ticking, then it caused the minute hand to move counter clockwise instead.
My scratch was well deep and it's mark on my face had been left.There was two scratch on my nose.1 is big and deep and second one is small but deep so both scratches marks had been left on my face.My father also got astonished by seeing the marks.

As for clock,I use digital clock...

Yeah and I also use prayers for my protection given by my dad.I use it now before going to sleep.But I have a need of practice so it will take time.I also fully believe on reciting prayers as it worked many time for me!!
