What is your rant?


Active Member
Well Fart-Hole dragged me into a bait and switch 20 some plus years ago which I just paid off.
Unfortunately they're my local bank... the local bank I set my accounts up in when we first moved out here was bought out twice over the decades, eventually by WF. When mom died, I wasn't too happy to see some useless accounts they created, so I closed those. I didn't have much of a standing for litigation even though they had already been fined for junk accounts by that point. I won't give them my business besides a basic account. I won't even give them my credit card business. Of my 3 banks, WF has the least amount of cash in it... mainly for monthly household expenses. My other 2 banks are a bit more exclusive.

My first case of identity fraud was when some crooks stole my house payment out of my mailbox and then faked some checks in my name under $99 and cashed them around all the local branches. At that time WF didn't have an ID policy for cashing smaller checks. Thankfully my local branch manager was cool and fixed my account. I'm not sure others could say that about their branch managers. It was still an awful mess to clean up and royally pissed me off. Those crooks turned out to be morons. One was pulled over in a traffic stop and the cop noticed that he had a bunch of mail that wasn't his opened in the back seat. One of those was my house payment. Talk about stupid. I thought about suing the guy, but what am I going to get from a piss poor wannabe criminal? Legal fees and me being off from work would have costed me more than I would have reclaimed in lost time. ...talk about our useless court system...

The only worse bank I've run into was Bank Of America. If they ever buy out one of my banks, I'm leaving before they complete the deal.

So... sound like you've got your bases covered. My last recommendation is to make a second backup to optical disc and keep that someplace safe. Having that kind of dirt on your bank could be really useful in the future.
