Recent content by NeverClever

  1. NeverClever

    5 years ago...Because it happened.

    In 2019, I made my first (and only) post here about a situation that happened to me. I guess it could be found in my profile (Because It Happened) and I was just wondering if I could get some more replies or answers if I shot it out there again. Please re-read and help me out? I'll answer any...
  2. NeverClever

    Russia vs Ukraine, what's going to happen?

    When this started in late February, I believed it was truly the end. It was all I thought about. The end. As the weeks passed, I'm nowhere near as obsessed as I was. I still believe it will lead to the end, but not as quickly as believed at first. If only we had a blueprint or history to look...
  3. NeverClever

    How to Remove a Curse

    Find a Cuban(I'm of Cuban decent)ask for a Santero...end of problem. Curses are real weather you believe in them or not. The spirit world exists and some are pretty evil and powerful and if someone's attached one to you.....pleasant days are far and few.
  4. NeverClever


    I've thought and think about this more often than I would ever admit....but, I've always had a firearm so that was always quick and easy. Since I don't have one now, it has forced me to think of different ways to exit this sick joke. I'm looking after my elderly mom and she's got a vast...
  5. NeverClever

    Is hell real?

    The pope says there is no hell. But that doesn't really answer the question.
  6. NeverClever

    Because It Happened

    Yeah, I thought maybe ur friend might have. Even a slight dizziness or something. Mine was undeniable and had to be a part of it? Why don't we know anything? Why is this part of our existence such a secret. I wonder if in 100 years, will we have the answers we seek.
  7. NeverClever

    Because It Happened

    Good day. I want to thank you for your response. I really don't know what I was expecting by my post here, but after only a few days, I was going to just store this away again and go on my way. For what you said, at least now I'll be checking in as I do
  8. NeverClever

    Because It Happened

    In these instances you described, did you feel anything physically? Or was it just your awareness
  9. NeverClever

    Because It Happened

    Hey. Both I guess. This happened a few years back and I thought it was just something pretty unbelievable and cool. Only told a few people and was fine taking the experience to my grave. But then I've been spending way too much time on YouTube and the existence of different dimensions and...
  10. NeverClever

    Because It Happened

    Hey Kairos. I get it, and I believe our subconscious mind can do any and every thing. But what you described seems like it would take a minute to enter that state. What happened to me was (what I believe) mere seconds. And honestly, the time issue just came to me recently. The issue for me was...
  11. NeverClever

    Because It Happened

    I'm just looking for some answers to something that happened to me. I was under the assumption that there were professionals in dealing with such topics on this site or that have studied such things and might want to assist me. I'm not freaked out, just curious. But the more I read into the...
  12. NeverClever

    Because It Happened

    Thank you. Believe it or not, you're the first to ever respond without rolling your eyes.....unless you were (joke)! I just knew there has to be more evidence...more people that have gone through the same thing. This happened years ago and I've only told a handful of people and I wasn't overly...
  13. NeverClever


    Think you got your answer. Not to your situation, but to the help you'll get here. Good luck
  14. NeverClever

    Because It Happened

    I'm just looking for some answers to something that happened to me. I was under the assumption that there were professionals in dealing with such topics on this site or that have studied such things and might want to assist me. I'm not freaked out, just curious. But the more I read into the...
