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  • TimeFlipper
    They are only "speculating" on the discovery...It said so in the very first paragraph of, The Register!..

    It was reported on 22nd of June 2011 that scientists at CERN had discovered a Superluminal Velocity Neutrino, only to discover later that they were wrong...The first reason was a "faulty wire", and the second reason was that someone had made a basic math error..lol
    I have yet to make a prediction of the future, however: this speculation will prove to be true. The methods and physics derived from this experiment will be applied to other particles. Ultimately providing a link between matter, the higgs field and higher dimensions.

    And yes, the "discovery" of superluminal particles should be taken with humor, although not discouragement.
    Personally i believe, the biggest problem to overcome would be gaining actual knowledge of the hypothetical nature of higher dimensions, and then linking them together with matter and the Higgs Field....I think Superluminal Velocity will be discovered first, and then your personal concept will appear more feasible......Lets hope a "wire or a math error" wont be responsible for its demise ;) lol..
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