
  1. AnthonyGiarrusso

    🚨2024 Election To Be Stolen By Democrats🚨

    The big conspiracy is that democrats will commit election fraud just like when they were caught in 2016 and previous elections since the 1800's in the USA. As you already may be aware the USA is a republic and people who follow their country's republic are called republicans. Humans that do not...
  2. OakFieldAlienz444

    "Generous letter" what did Biden really mean by this?

    https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-biden-inauguration-letter/president-biden-says-trump-wrote-him-a-very-generous-letter-idUSKBN29P2TM Is there more to this than meets the eye? Is Trump telling Biden if he does not destroy the country too much things will be ok?
