
  1. AnthonyGiarrusso

    Map Updated (Ghosts, UFOs, Monsters, etc.)

    Paranormal Map 2023 and Newer – Google My Maps This shows places I've encountered what others call bizarre. It is not too weird for me, but some folks can't do what I do. If you are ever in the area, use this map to check these places out.
  2. AnthonyGiarrusso

    Date An Alien

    What if you fell in love with a visiting extraterrestrial and that alien fell in love with you; where would you go on a date with it?
  3. AnthonyGiarrusso

    Disclosure Map Updated 6/3/2024

    Disclosure Map Updated 6/3/2024: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1IvJ64oPrEMiZRwMkz9uvm6daqkjJBRU&ll=23.217087490234046%2C-78.837890625&z=3
