20 percent chance we are living in a virtual simulation


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20 percent chance we are living in a virtual simulation

Until I talked to Nick Bostrom, a philosopher at Oxford University, it never occurred to me that our universe might be somebody else?s hobby. I hadn?t imagined that the omniscient, omnipotent creator of the heavens and earth could be an advanced version of a guy who spends his weekends building model railroads or overseeing video-game worlds like the Sims.
The article and the video are from last year, but it's interesting though. In the video, the guy said that living in a virtual simulation would explain the metal taste we get in our mouth sometimes. That's pretty weird. It can't be proved at all, we'll never know if we're in a real world or not. Let's say that our world tends to be "real" in my opinion. The guy in the video explains all this stuff pretty well.

Our Lives, Controlled From Some Guy?s Couch - New York Times

Re: 20% Chance We Are Living In a Virtual Simulation

thanks alot aaaaahhhhhhhhh somebodys watchin me
so what we see at nite and think is the moon
is realy just some lab assistants eye looking throught the microscope at us???or maybe peeking throught a hole in the box of an ant farm???? guess that would make the sun a light bulb in the lab huh?????
W.T.F. did they just put in my coffie???? but I don't want to run on the wheel today. hey stop it, don't poke me with that thing. ha ha ha ha
this is most intersting and freaky at the same time. good find will deff,look closer thanks. oh yeh I thought the metal taste came from iron/minerals in the water????

Re: 20% Chance We Are Living In a Virtual Simulation

What you said about the moon reminds me of the Truman Show. That wasn't the same kind of world, but it wasn't a real world anyway. That's a pretty good movie. As they said, "peace is boring" in a game, that's why there are always wars around the world.

For the metal taste, I heard once what you said, and it might be right as well. Anyway, if we don't have a real body at all, where does that taste comes from ? What are we tasting then, is the metal taste the "background taste" of the virtual simulation ? :eek:


Re: 20% Chance We Are Living In a Virtual Simulation

I remember thinking what if we were all just a big game of SimCity back when it first came out (1989 - I was 6). My dad thought I was weird and my brother punched me in the stomach.

I have an interesting book here called Programming The Universe which talks about this very thing... How the universe may be a giant quantum computer because at the very basis of all things, it can be reduced to 1s and 0s.

Amazon link if you're interested:
Amazon.com: Programming the Universe: A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes On the Cosmos: Seth Lloyd: Books
Re: 20% Chance We Are Living In a Virtual Simulation

ok guys heres one for the mob.
was the fruit that Adam ate in the garden real fruit??????
was it a program activater???
a key/code of sorts that unlocked his memory bank containing the total knowalge of GOD for all things good and bad.
or was it just an idea/symbol of rebbellion?????

I think it was a program of sorts containg the higher thought process formulas for the brain to be able to reason/figure shit out. taking man from a drone, to a free thinker. then we become responsable for our actions.
where as befor, we were just fallowing orders. no choice=no sin
if a program activator, then we are indeed just a simulation in a lab some where
or a robot on a shake down run. this has been a ponder of mine for some time now. just what are we and where do we go from hear
Re: 20% Chance We Are Living In a Virtual Simulation

The fruit was an event. It was starting a process that activated the disaster mode, like in Sim City !!!

After a few centuries, perhaps there are less desasters... If we're lucky, the guy will not get back until a few thousands of years. It's pretty long for a lunch time isn't it ?!? Before going to lunch, he created a new hero, he named him Jesus !!!:D

Num7 :)
Re: 20% Chance We Are Living In a Virtual Simulation

Numenorean7 said:
The fruit was an event. It was starting a process that activated the disaster mode, like in Sim City !!!

After a few centuries, perhaps there are less desasters... If we're lucky, the guy will not get back until a few thousands of years. It's pretty long for a lunch time isn't it ?!? Before going to lunch, he created a new hero, he named him Jesus !!!:D

Num7 :)
agreed it was an event...but was the fruit???? the thorns and thissels spoken of in the story of the farmer and his field?????
did you not sow good seed....yes
then how is the field full of weeds??
a foe/bad guy has done this
do you want us to pull the weeds????
no less you pull also the good crop, to let them grow together. at harvest pull first the weeds and cast them into the fire, then gather the good crop into the barns.ie all those who chose the me first code, are flawed unfixable and need to be scrapped. there is no greater love, than to lay down your life for another. just a thought
Re: 20% Chance We Are Living In a Virtual Simulation

The fruit could be nothing at all. They call it a fruit, but it doesn't mean it's actually a fruit. Anyway, I'm not sure if I get all that stuff about the fruit. I mean, I know the story, I understand it, but I don't consider it to have truly happened.

I must admit, religion kind of bores me. It has nothing to do with science in my humble opinion.

Re: 20% Chance We Are Living In a Virtual Simulation

Numenorean7 said:
The fruit could be nothing at all. They call it a fruit, but it doesn't mean it's actually a fruit. Anyway, I'm not sure if I get all that stuff about the fruit. I mean, I know the story, I understand it, but I don't consider it to have truly happened.

I must admit, religion kind of bores me. It has nothing to do with science in my humble opinion.

well heres where we part ways 7:(
I believe every word of the bible to be fact and true:eek: and happened just as written. I may not understand it but thats my problem,and don't make it untrue.
as I understood it, the field of science was started to study and understand the handy work of GOD. and has failed missarebly to explain even the simple stuff . how can a bumble bee fly???? why are there diffrant body types and skin colors???? why do we get old?????
I have little to no faith in science, to much if any good for man as a hole.
infact most if not all. of the so-called break throughs have just caused a new set of problems, rather than solving the old ones. and I realy don't trust anyone who invents a new language just to explain there half baked ideas. its like judges and lawers(the thieving bastards) they have a whole diffrant language they use in court. while the words are spoken and spelled the same, they don't mean the same thing. thats why they always tell you don't say anything without them there to keep you safe. hell in blacks law dic. there are 18 diff. meanings for the word (IS) so I guess old slick willy was rite huh???? it do depend on what the meaning of the word is, is .
Re: 20% Chance We Are Living In a Virtual Simulation

Hey, that makes me think of that:
Imagine that religion is in fact, everything, everywhere, and that science is just a concept we invented. Our science would only be a way to explain religion with numbers and calculations, and laws and all that stuff.

In its broadest sense, science (from the Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") refers to any systematic knowledge or practice.
Science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is according to Wiki. I think that this one sentence explains it well. I think that the word systematic is important.

What is the meaning of science for you ?

Only for some precision, I'm not atheist, I'm christian. I'm just not that interested in religion stuff. My previous post's purpose wasn't to offend anybody.
It's important to have different points of view and opinions. If we're all thinking the same way, what are we going to discuss here ?!? :)

