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2015 in Retrospect: Where Will You Be Politically?
I know that many of you have seen and or heard about the supposed adventurez of one John Titor. Let us ponder for a moment about the possibilitiez of his future. Is it at all possible to see this forseeable result from shifting global and political upheaval? Will we as a country and a species resort to open-faced nuclear war in a desperate attempt to maintain order through chaos? From my perspective, it seemz as though Mr. Titor is on the right track so far. Ok, so the 2004 Olympicz are over, and all wonder who will be the next president of our fair and noble country, but between the linez we see two candidatez who (let me mention are directly related to the house of Windsor by being 6th or 7th cousins) don't know anything about our country and our rights, appear to be one-sided on issues such as national security and this so-called homeland stuff, and who are willing to depend on our good natured biases to start new wars. I ask you all where will it lead? Apparantly, in the wrong direction if the current state of eventz continue. Let's look at candidate #1, Mr. Kerry. Here is a guy who not only fought in Vietnam, but when he returned to our fair country (minus no limbz being blasted off) protested the very war he fought in. It was the C.I.A who finally shut him up for the time being (maybe they promised him a shot at the White House) and now all of a sudden he'z back. Now don't get me wrong here ppl, I am a democrat, but I find this guy to be not only freaky, but it seemz as though his agenda has alterior motivez. Candidate #2 is our one and only prez of the current day; a Mr. G.W Bush. This guy is no better than candidate #1. He startz a war of attrition over what?....a supposed C.I.A intellegence blitz that meant absolutely nothing in the long run, cost this country millions if not billions of dollars, and cost many precious lives on just the value of wordz printed on a sheet of paper that in the long run turned out to be worthless information. It is the opinion of this writer (me) that these two idiotz will be the end result in what Mr. Titor predicted as the start of our civil war reborn. I mean think about it, how many ppl support them both? I'm a die hard Democrat and I hate our candidate. Now most ppl will sit and try to spin the yarn of "America is a good and just nation and we will persevere no matter what" but that doesn't cut it anymore. The truth of it iz, this country will fall by the handz of those who claim to want to improve it by not only policing average, upstanding citizenz, but by polluting our mindz with proagandizh bull**** that will turn us all against one another. It will happen maybe not this year, maybe not next, but it will occour. As for our good friend who wishes us a safe future in hiz own time, I can only say in my own opinion, that he was right about one thing.........WE have to make it better....and we have to choose who we elect into offices of power. If the eventz of this year lead to the future that our good friend warned us about come to pass, it is our fault that it leads down the road of holocaust, not his, and when we are indeed in 2015, will we still wish for change, or will we let the idealz that this country was founded on slip away like the dust on the Costitution? ......2015 iz a long way away for us all..... let us hope that when the time comez we are more prepared to handle what will surely be a most difficult and problematic venture into the future.
* This is an edditorial from ZeoEmeraude. The opinionz that have been expressed are strictly my own. If you wish to reply to this thread, please do so on your own cognizence.*
I know that many of you have seen and or heard about the supposed adventurez of one John Titor. Let us ponder for a moment about the possibilitiez of his future. Is it at all possible to see this forseeable result from shifting global and political upheaval? Will we as a country and a species resort to open-faced nuclear war in a desperate attempt to maintain order through chaos? From my perspective, it seemz as though Mr. Titor is on the right track so far. Ok, so the 2004 Olympicz are over, and all wonder who will be the next president of our fair and noble country, but between the linez we see two candidatez who (let me mention are directly related to the house of Windsor by being 6th or 7th cousins) don't know anything about our country and our rights, appear to be one-sided on issues such as national security and this so-called homeland stuff, and who are willing to depend on our good natured biases to start new wars. I ask you all where will it lead? Apparantly, in the wrong direction if the current state of eventz continue. Let's look at candidate #1, Mr. Kerry. Here is a guy who not only fought in Vietnam, but when he returned to our fair country (minus no limbz being blasted off) protested the very war he fought in. It was the C.I.A who finally shut him up for the time being (maybe they promised him a shot at the White House) and now all of a sudden he'z back. Now don't get me wrong here ppl, I am a democrat, but I find this guy to be not only freaky, but it seemz as though his agenda has alterior motivez. Candidate #2 is our one and only prez of the current day; a Mr. G.W Bush. This guy is no better than candidate #1. He startz a war of attrition over what?....a supposed C.I.A intellegence blitz that meant absolutely nothing in the long run, cost this country millions if not billions of dollars, and cost many precious lives on just the value of wordz printed on a sheet of paper that in the long run turned out to be worthless information. It is the opinion of this writer (me) that these two idiotz will be the end result in what Mr. Titor predicted as the start of our civil war reborn. I mean think about it, how many ppl support them both? I'm a die hard Democrat and I hate our candidate. Now most ppl will sit and try to spin the yarn of "America is a good and just nation and we will persevere no matter what" but that doesn't cut it anymore. The truth of it iz, this country will fall by the handz of those who claim to want to improve it by not only policing average, upstanding citizenz, but by polluting our mindz with proagandizh bull**** that will turn us all against one another. It will happen maybe not this year, maybe not next, but it will occour. As for our good friend who wishes us a safe future in hiz own time, I can only say in my own opinion, that he was right about one thing.........WE have to make it better....and we have to choose who we elect into offices of power. If the eventz of this year lead to the future that our good friend warned us about come to pass, it is our fault that it leads down the road of holocaust, not his, and when we are indeed in 2015, will we still wish for change, or will we let the idealz that this country was founded on slip away like the dust on the Costitution? ......2015 iz a long way away for us all..... let us hope that when the time comez we are more prepared to handle what will surely be a most difficult and problematic venture into the future.
* This is an edditorial from ZeoEmeraude. The opinionz that have been expressed are strictly my own. If you wish to reply to this thread, please do so on your own cognizence.*