250,000 USD


Dick Pic Sender
sounds good mariya will message you we can go over this and see how you can fit into this

Sure, no problem. My friends and I usually discuss most of our theorems over Discord. It's usually much easier to call and type and discuss for hours on there than to have to consistently type and wait for messages on forum sites.

Is it true that you're on Trump's staff? Are you actually Department of Defense James Joseph Mattis? Haha, if it's true, you might not believe this but I'm actually a huge fan. I've always been a fan of the D.O.D.! It was mostly Donald Rumsfeld who made me take a second look at the D.O.D. and the odd science fiction T.V. shows that talked about D.O.D. contracts and breakthroughs. I don't mean to overstate my position; however, I do believe that work in that sector is definitely the most important and prestigious work in the world (not just the nation).


Junior Member
president trump is independent with a very small loyal and INDEPENDENT team around him... none of the neocons and islamo fascists of the last 20 years.. i mean you cant get rid of them entirely they are part of deep state... but president trump team is the only real independent team in the last 2 centuries.. he is really from the people and by the people.. no fakes there


Dick Pic Sender
president trump is independent with a very small loyal and INDEPENDENT team around him... none of the neocons and islamo fascists of the last 20 years.. i mean you cant get rid of them entirely they are part of deep state... but president trump team is the only real independent team in the last 2 centuries.. he is really from the people and by the people.. no fakes there

So wait, are you James Joseph Mattis? I'm just curious because I'm not entirely sure here.


Junior Member
I'm not james norman mattis.. come on now he is busy with fucking the enemies of united states.. he doesn't have time for forums on the Internet.. he put all his time in building up the military again equipment wise

he also doesn't know president trump extremely well.. president trump trust him and like him very much due to his record and achievements.. he likes his thinking and approach to military and defense.. the 2 like and respect each other


Junior Member
I will do whatever it takes to get to this timeline again... this is just one song representing the timeline as you all know what timeline I'm talking about and most of you know it is the best era in our timeline (the 1980's).. therefor I will do whatever it takes to get there and live it again in whatever form it takes

is it possible? of course it is..
is it doable in the 21st century? we will have to see....

live it all again.. in whatever form it throws my way... sign me in.. ill have to sign myself I guess... one way trip into the blue yonder



Senior Member
I call bull shit on that james joseph mattis you just said 2 different names. No denyinig that, and no excuses. I just debunked you. You are James Mattis.


Senior Member
they are all informalist. So that means they are all connected to each other. They want information, Which they will never receive. I have everything. Your not getting it. I despise TRUMP and despise anyone who is for TRUMP. He will ruin the US single handedly. I have seen this. I told you all to be very careful with what you spit out on here. I'm trying to change what is going to happen. I'm not going to say it again. Don't give out personal information that is useful.


Dick Pic Sender
they are all informalist. So that means they are all connected to each other. They want information, Which they will never receive. I have everything. Your not getting it. I despise TRUMP and despise anyone who is for TRUMP. He will ruin the US single handedly. I have seen this. I told you all to be very careful with what you spit out on here. I'm trying to change what is going to happen. I'm not going to say it again. Don't give out personal information that is useful.

Jeez, you're paranoid. In all respect, if this guy confirmed who he was and actually did work for Trump- I would be far more respectful and share my work with him immediately. However, it's all just too sketchy.


Senior Member
Thats what they want, nothing but to take the work we have and throw it away and make it their own, not on my watch. That won't happen here. Nothing will come of it. They are feasting off the weak with knowledge, I am not weak not smart, just an average person on the look out for this stuff. My iq 10 year's ago was in the 130's. I could not add forward and backward in 30 seconds. Time Travel doesn't exist. Nor will people make it possible. You might have a quick jump or two in your lifetime. I have 2 i know of. I am amazed that none of you see the danger of this. Not going to happen. Hey Mister Times, you wore your welcome out with me. I told you before i don't give personal information or schemas I have drawn. I share experiences not experiments . I can tell youwhat's going to happen when Donald Jackass Trump gets impeached. North Korea gets USA
