250,000 USD


Junior Member
this is what I will give to anyone who gets me to physically time travel.

I tried everything on this forum, I tried to bring groups together to work on it, I tried to go more than just talk on a forum, I tried to really encourage more than just discussion; Therefor I am willing to actually reward 250,000 USD to anyone who physically prove to me time travel is possible.

There are no conditions, I do not have to get back to this timeline and/or dimension so it saves you the effort of getting me back.

do it and you have 250,000 USD.

Anyone who is interested, If you are serious, contact me.
I cannot make any promises, but I may be able to work something out.

The payment will not be necessary.
I would like to go back also......
To where, exactly?


Temporal Engineer
I do and that's what matters.
Not only serious but EXTREMLY serious and with the means and physical ability needed.

Will you be providing security for the person developing a time machine for you? You may have to be willing to kill to protect your interest.
