9/11 conspiracy

Do you believe there's a conspiracy behind the 9/11 attacks?

  • Yes, I'm positive.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • It's possible, but I'm still skeptical.

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • No!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
☀️ Zenith
9/11 conspiracy

Is there anyone here that doesn't believe there's a conspiracy behind the 9/11 attacks? I remember there being a survey done about it... I don't remember the figures but the vast majority believed there was more to the story than the government was telling us.
Re: 9/11 Conspiracy

Well for me since I'm completely paranoid of course I believe that there was a conspiracy. I mean think aboot it, Little Bush wanted a reason to finish Papa Bushes dream of killing Saddam, only way that was going to happen is if they "attacked" us first. But then again I believe Churchill was behind Pearl Harbor so I might be wrong.

Re: 9/11 Conspiracy

ye fecking people. bush had nuffink to do with it. get a life

Re: 9/11 Conspiracy

Conspiracy? Of course there was a conspiracy. A conspiracy is the "conspiring of individuals". Whether you believe the 9/11 commission, NIST, FEMA or the countless other shills in the US, there was a conspiracy.

The question remains; What does the EVIDENCE indicate?

What evidence do we have that Al Qaida had anything to do with it?

Any one can research this. When a crime is committed in America the news immediately lists the reasons why we the authorities believe that a suspect is guilty. 9/11 is the only crime I can think of where individuals were blamed for a crime without any indications what-so-ever that these are people who "masterminded" the crime.

I challenge anyone to locate any evidence implicating Al Qaida!

You won't find "diddly"!
Re: 9/11 Conspiracy

I think that the reason we cant lay the blame on someone or some people is because the people who are doing terrorism are the same people we get our oil from..:Saudi Arabia. There is no way our Gov. will admit that tho, As long as we need oil we will always be kissing someones booty...:(
Re: 9/11 Conspiracy

gonzogirl said:
I think that the reason we cant lay the blame on someone or some people is because the people who are doing terrorism are the same people we get our oil from..:Saudi Arabia. There is no way our Gov. will admit that tho, As long as we need oil we will always be kissing someones booty...:(
Do you have proof that these primitive cave dwelling Saudi Arabian savages can engineer such a feat?

Remember, the Pentagon and airspace over DC is highly protected. Any assumptions that the Saudi's accomplished this would indicate that they have some "say" within the upper echelons of the US military.
Re: 9/11 Conspiracy

Well unfortunately as it may be, the Saudis do have "say" in upper government, at least where the president is concerned. Bush loves them and would do anything for their oil, even kill our innocent civilians. This world is all about oil and until there is none left the information age will be plagued by war, provoked or unprovoked.
Re: 9/11 Conspiracy

Condar said:
Well unfortunately as it may be, the Saudis do have "say" in upper government, at least where the president is concerned. Bush loves them and would do anything for their oil, even kill our innocent civilians. This world is all about oil and until there is none left the information age will be plagued by war, provoked or unprovoked.

I agree. In that case, if they have "say" in the policies that this admin holds dear, is that also to say that the US Gov has complicity in the event?
