Debate A web of mirrors


New Member
Hello there,
I was thinking about time travel lately, I am not a big fan of the concept but the most appealing one to me is the many world interpenetration theory.
To sum that theory, it is the concept that every possibility exists in another dimension which hosts a different version of once self.
Following that train of thinking I was thinking more and more that the concept of time travel is meaningless, since it wont actually function as a time travel per say but more as a teleporter to the version of a person attempting to change events or simply revisit certain time lines, if by any chance they are changed in order to avoid the time paradox, reality will have to suit the consciousness of the individual in question into the new reality/dimension/timeline he hopped into.
I hope I explained how I see it correctly because it is really a mess in my head, because every possibility must exist according to the many worlds interpenetration theory, this will be a real mess to look at if we consider the attraction field and also the fact that major shifts in event may lead to alternative attraction fields of a different time line and that possibility must also exist.
my question is, that if time travel was ever possible and certain parties or people would seek to change their time line, what happens to the original that time traveled in that time line? if he traveled by whole body and not mind what happens to that reality where he pops out of considering his aim is to change it?
also, does any organization is still trying to achieve time travel, as nice as the concept is it is useless to change the reality one is inhabiting because of the many worlds interpretation theory since by that theory as I explained, the person who time traveled will only hop between realities that according to the same theory must inhabit every possibility.


Senior Member
Welcome To Paranormalis :)
I think you might be saying that theoretically you could Teleport a person into the future, but that person is only "viewing" a particular part of the future, and is completely invisible, without any way of altering anything, in that part of the future.....This is where a Chronovisor could help maybe?..
