ABDUCTION - Real Encounter with Extraterrestrials

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New Member

Documentary about alien encounters - people who have been abducted by aliens.
Was this real phenomenon or simply a hallucination or nightmare?
Veja Mais Aqui: http:-com.html //ufosonline.blogspot.com.br/2014/10/abducao-Encontro-Real


Senior Member
I don't buy the fact it is all in people's minds. Too many people come back with Physical marks, missing time, and vivid memorys of what happened to them. To me Alien Abductions and ET life isn't even a question if it happens or exists i know it does.


Senior Member
I believe ignorance is bliss and most of us would prefer to return to ignorance. Knowing the truth is scary. Plenty of people have told me about encounters with aliens and not all these were positive experiences.

Debunkers often ask why aliens do not live among us. Well, our world has a long history of racism.
The Racist Housing Policies That Built Ferguson - The Atlantic

Personally, I am glad that more people are speaking up. Truth is getting out now. Finally, citizens of planet earth will learn that we are just one species. Also, that we inhibit just one small corner in our cosmos.

Sam Slagg

Here's a scary thought - what if you don't remember?
I have often wondered how many people have been abducted but have no memory of it. I remember a great deal about many of my abductions but feel that there are other abductions I have no memory of at all. I've thought about trying hypnosis to recover lost memories but what good would it do me at this point ? I already know it's happening and that it's apparently a generational thing in my family but you make an excellent observation.


Junior Member
When I lived in Alaska, I had a job for a while where different staff members would take turns on a rotating basis and pull the night watchman's shift on his day off. There wasn't much that happened at night, but someone needed to be at the front desk in case someone showed up or the phone rang. This was back in the days before the first Apple computer was invented. So after the television stations went to sleep, I'd sit at the desk and read when my turn came around.

The front desk was located in a glassed-in office. In cold country, the vast majority of the buildings have an arctic entryway that prevents an excess of warm air leaving the building each time the door is opened. Where I worked, this entryway was basically a lobby ten feet deep by thirty feet wide. The office had a large window that could be closed during the winter. On the exterior wall opposite the office window was another window, perhaps four feet high by six feet wide that looked out onto what was essentially a parking lot.

One night while I was pulling the night shift, I started falling asleep between two and three o'clock in the morning. So I got up and laid down on the carpeting closer to the space heater, which felt pretty good since the temperature had dropped to about 35-degrees below zero Fahrenheit that night. I wasn't breaking any rules by doing so; I took a nap and woke up 90 minutes or two hours later.

Several years later I was watching television one night. I can't remember when this was; I think I was living in California at the time. I was watching a movie titled "Communion." The overall production value of the film didn't impress me. Then, I froze in my chair and sat there staring at the television set, unable to move. A creature having the stereotypical appearance of the aliens known as the Greys was in the frame being shown.

My mind flashed back to that forgotten night when I'd pulled the night shift and looked up from the book I was reading, and was startled to see a face staring in through the windows watching me.

Was I abducted that night? I have no memory of that taking place. Then again, I can't explain why I had forgotten seeing the face in the window; it certainly wasn't a human face and I do tend to take note and remember such details. From what I understand, the stylized face appearing on the cover of Streiber's book and the face shown in the movie differs from the actual appearance of the Greys. Could the memory of that face have been a false memory implanted to mislead me in case I ever recovered a partial memory of my abduction? Was my experience while watching the film when the face appeared just one of those tricks my mind was playing on me by creating a false memory of its own?

There are all sorts of questions that can be raised about an experience such as this. I know what drug induced paranoia is like, and I know what a full blown panic attack not connected to drugs feels like. Hypnotic regression in the wrong hands can lead to an entire range of negative responses. False memories can be created that can lead a person astray when all they want is the truth. For me, if the memories aren't specific and appear to not be causing uncomfortable disruption when dealing with day to day life, I figure it's best to leave the worrying about such matters to my deeper self. I simply place the matter in the hands of my own soul and trust it will lead me to the time and place where these matters need to be dealt with. If it feels the need to do so, I'm willing to follow the leads it provides. I don't have my head buried in the sand, but I don't feel the need to go chasing after spooks in the dark either.

Happy Halloween, all.


Senior Member
Most of lame stream media portrays UFO aliens as evil beings that abduct us. However, not all are evil as I have seen. Still, that is what sells copy. Maybe the truth is scary. Not knowing is even scarier.

