Judge Bean
Senior Member
Advanced Titor Analysis;
1. First of all, what he is not trying to do:
??I am not affected in the least if you believe me or not.?
?I do not expect people to believe me.?
?I have nothing to sell nor do I want anyone to believe in me or take some action. What other people think of me does not affect me in the least.?
?Whether I?m a time traveler or not, I suppose there are numerous ways to view my ?story.? By the nature of the communication medium, I believe it?s impossible to prove therefore it?s impossible to believe.?
Therefore, he is not trying to get you to believe that he is a time traveler. He doesn?t care whether you believe he is from the future or not. Establishing belief in his story forms no part of his mission or purpose.
This immediately (most of the quotes are from the first few weeks of his posting) distinguishes him from the overwhelming majority of Chrono Clowns and Futurozos who visit us, who desperately want to be ?believed.?
2. Secondly, what he explicitly states that he is trying to do:
(a) To recover an IBM 5100:
?We time travel to solve problems. A great deal of effort is going into repairing the environment and infrastructure.?
??we need [the IBM 5100] in 2036? Therefore, if I were not here telling you [about the little-known special features of the 5100], that information would not be discovered for another 36 years.?
?In 2036, a great deal of effort is going into ?repairing? our environment.?
?[Time travel] is used to get information or ?items? that would be helpful in getting a post WWIII world back to a normal condition.?
??the 5100? worthwhile for a time traveler to recover. Also, please keep in mind that civilization is recovering from a war. Yes, we do have the technology but many of the tools were lost.?
(B) To warn about the coming war:
?Please, please wake up. Look at the signposts around you now.?
??I have been trying to alert anyone that would listen to the possibility of a civil war in the U.S. in 2005? I have been trying to get people to pay attention for the last few months??
?[Due to the fouled-up 2000 elections] perhaps it?s easier now to see a civil war in your future??
??I am trying to prepare [my family] for the future as a promise to my Grandfather in 1975.?
This also distinguishes him from all other time travel wannabees, claimaints, wingding Future Roadrunners, and hoaxters. But it poses a fundamental paradox:
He wants us to credit what he is telling us about our future, to alert us to the coming destruction of the social order, but doesn?t want us to focus on his own credibility.
This is compounded by the psychological problem he is having being among us, whom he blames for all of the pain and destruction of his world. He appears to be assigned to avert the war that he thinks is good for us?good for him and his folk on the other side of the gulf afterward?and can?t resist letting us know that we don?t deserve the salvation.
Some other points:
1. Part of his mission is to plant the seeds for time travel technology. The hints dropped involve the ?missing? pieces of what he calls the ?puzzle,? and have to do with the power source (apparently the use of subatomic particles) as yet not ?discovered.? Yet he makes it clear that the too-soon invention of time travel can and would lead to war between the U.S., Russia, and China. This seems ludicrous, but he (who thinks the war is good for us) urges us to ?go for it.? He wants to advance the technology but would prefer, personally, not to.
2. Part of his mission is to avert both Y2K and what we might call ?Y2K+38,? the second one being the UNIX failure in 2038, which can be averted by application of the ancient 5100 software. War must be the result of these system failures as much as the violation of the Constitution by the government. In fact, three things seem to operate to result in the holocaust: the civil war starting in 2005, caused by the violation of the Constitution; catastrophic computer network systems failure in 2000; and time travel technology in the wrong hands at the wrong time. Go figure.
3. Virtually nothing in flat detail that Titor says can be trusted; he himself warns against putting your faith in him. Some of the dissembling can be attributed to deliberate disinformation, with an unknown political agenda; some to simple camouflage and selfprotection; and some to the ?divergence,? which does not exceed 2.5% in 60 years. For example, the 5100 was put together in Minnesota, according to Titor, who claims to be from Florida: but it was apparently put together in Florida?at least in ?our? worldline. For another, he at first states that Russia attacks the U.S. and China and Europe, then 2 months later he states that China attacks the U.S. and Europe-- which doesn't seem to make sense.
4. The only thing that can be said with confidence about his ?purpose? or ?mission? is that it is a multifaceted one designed to kill a number of birds with one stone, the largest bird being the impending wars. He wants the focus to be not on him but on the overall scene of the crime. He wants time travel to be invented at CERNA soon after 2000, not delayed until 2036, though he may want this in order to cause a war?he calls it the ?easiest way,? to get the technology before others. Yet when he is explicity accused of being here in order to foment a war, he becomes enraged and lashes out in such a way that it looks like he is fighting with himself about it.
5. I still think it highly probable that Jonathan Titus, the inventor of the 5100 precursor, is either the author of the Titor text or the target of it. If time travel is actually involved in all of this, he would stand in the role of the ?Grandfather? mentioned by Titor. It would be supremely apt for him to be, or for Titor to thus be his own grandfather, considering the tradition of the ?paradox.?
1. First of all, what he is not trying to do:
??I am not affected in the least if you believe me or not.?
?I do not expect people to believe me.?
?I have nothing to sell nor do I want anyone to believe in me or take some action. What other people think of me does not affect me in the least.?
?Whether I?m a time traveler or not, I suppose there are numerous ways to view my ?story.? By the nature of the communication medium, I believe it?s impossible to prove therefore it?s impossible to believe.?
Therefore, he is not trying to get you to believe that he is a time traveler. He doesn?t care whether you believe he is from the future or not. Establishing belief in his story forms no part of his mission or purpose.
This immediately (most of the quotes are from the first few weeks of his posting) distinguishes him from the overwhelming majority of Chrono Clowns and Futurozos who visit us, who desperately want to be ?believed.?
2. Secondly, what he explicitly states that he is trying to do:
(a) To recover an IBM 5100:
?We time travel to solve problems. A great deal of effort is going into repairing the environment and infrastructure.?
??we need [the IBM 5100] in 2036? Therefore, if I were not here telling you [about the little-known special features of the 5100], that information would not be discovered for another 36 years.?
?In 2036, a great deal of effort is going into ?repairing? our environment.?
?[Time travel] is used to get information or ?items? that would be helpful in getting a post WWIII world back to a normal condition.?
??the 5100? worthwhile for a time traveler to recover. Also, please keep in mind that civilization is recovering from a war. Yes, we do have the technology but many of the tools were lost.?
(B) To warn about the coming war:
?Please, please wake up. Look at the signposts around you now.?
??I have been trying to alert anyone that would listen to the possibility of a civil war in the U.S. in 2005? I have been trying to get people to pay attention for the last few months??
?[Due to the fouled-up 2000 elections] perhaps it?s easier now to see a civil war in your future??
??I am trying to prepare [my family] for the future as a promise to my Grandfather in 1975.?
This also distinguishes him from all other time travel wannabees, claimaints, wingding Future Roadrunners, and hoaxters. But it poses a fundamental paradox:
He wants us to credit what he is telling us about our future, to alert us to the coming destruction of the social order, but doesn?t want us to focus on his own credibility.
This is compounded by the psychological problem he is having being among us, whom he blames for all of the pain and destruction of his world. He appears to be assigned to avert the war that he thinks is good for us?good for him and his folk on the other side of the gulf afterward?and can?t resist letting us know that we don?t deserve the salvation.
Some other points:
1. Part of his mission is to plant the seeds for time travel technology. The hints dropped involve the ?missing? pieces of what he calls the ?puzzle,? and have to do with the power source (apparently the use of subatomic particles) as yet not ?discovered.? Yet he makes it clear that the too-soon invention of time travel can and would lead to war between the U.S., Russia, and China. This seems ludicrous, but he (who thinks the war is good for us) urges us to ?go for it.? He wants to advance the technology but would prefer, personally, not to.
2. Part of his mission is to avert both Y2K and what we might call ?Y2K+38,? the second one being the UNIX failure in 2038, which can be averted by application of the ancient 5100 software. War must be the result of these system failures as much as the violation of the Constitution by the government. In fact, three things seem to operate to result in the holocaust: the civil war starting in 2005, caused by the violation of the Constitution; catastrophic computer network systems failure in 2000; and time travel technology in the wrong hands at the wrong time. Go figure.
3. Virtually nothing in flat detail that Titor says can be trusted; he himself warns against putting your faith in him. Some of the dissembling can be attributed to deliberate disinformation, with an unknown political agenda; some to simple camouflage and selfprotection; and some to the ?divergence,? which does not exceed 2.5% in 60 years. For example, the 5100 was put together in Minnesota, according to Titor, who claims to be from Florida: but it was apparently put together in Florida?at least in ?our? worldline. For another, he at first states that Russia attacks the U.S. and China and Europe, then 2 months later he states that China attacks the U.S. and Europe-- which doesn't seem to make sense.
4. The only thing that can be said with confidence about his ?purpose? or ?mission? is that it is a multifaceted one designed to kill a number of birds with one stone, the largest bird being the impending wars. He wants the focus to be not on him but on the overall scene of the crime. He wants time travel to be invented at CERNA soon after 2000, not delayed until 2036, though he may want this in order to cause a war?he calls it the ?easiest way,? to get the technology before others. Yet when he is explicity accused of being here in order to foment a war, he becomes enraged and lashes out in such a way that it looks like he is fighting with himself about it.
5. I still think it highly probable that Jonathan Titus, the inventor of the 5100 precursor, is either the author of the Titor text or the target of it. If time travel is actually involved in all of this, he would stand in the role of the ?Grandfather? mentioned by Titor. It would be supremely apt for him to be, or for Titor to thus be his own grandfather, considering the tradition of the ?paradox.?