After Near Death Experience, Boy Says, "heaven Is Real"


A young Nebraska boy narrowly escaped death in the hospital. He claimed later, "You know dad, the angels sang to me while I was there." His claim was that when he was lying on the table at the hospital that the angels sang to him. Colton went on to describe how he met his great-grandfather "Pop" there, but that he didn't look like the photo they have of him with glasses, seems he was much younger with no glasses on. The young boy described what he called, "heaven", what it looked like and felt like, and that he met a lot of people there. He also told his mother, "Mom, I have two sisters, you had a baby die in your tummy didn't you?" When she asked him who told him, he said, "she did Mommy, she said she died in your tummy." His parents, Todd and Sonja had never told their son about the miscarriage Sonja had before Colton was born.

Here is the link to the story and the video from Fox 31, Denver, CO.,0,2566980.story
It's full of trees and pines and all sorts of great smells. And there is a lake where you can go to run and picnic by and sail lazily on the water all day and all night if you want. It was shown to me once in a dream.

Nice, this kid can't imagine all this stuff, right ? Especially the part about his other sister. I mean, it's a total non-sense that the kid could knew this since his parents didn't tell him about it. I can't imagine the parents inventing all this stuff for hoaxing purposes.

So, what now ? I think there's more to it, I definitely can't say it's all a bunch of lies, no way.

I like to believe in an afterlife. No way could this kid make this stuff up. I take comfort in thinking that there is a place like heaven when we die. It gives you a little peace to think that your loved ones are in a better place when they leave this earth.
A friend of mine recently passed away. Her sister wanted me to write something in a journal for her that she would later read to her before she passed. I hadn't thought of this in awhile, but remembered a dream I had, or should I have a place I visited in a dream several years ago. It was in a spring or summertime there where I was. It was in the evening. I was by a huge lake, but I couldn't go near. I saw a large sailboat slowly going by and people enjoying a picnic down by the lake. I had the feeling they knew I was there, but they didn't acknowledge me. It was a beautiful place, but I couldn't visit anyone who was there. I had to return. So, I wrote her about my vision and told her that she could be there, too, soon. It was only a couple of days later she passed away.

At other times, I have lucid dreams. At one point, I knew I was back in that place in another spot where I saw all sorts of beautiful green trees and pines. Just a few days ago, I had a lucid dream where I was in this building. It was like a church, but it wasn't a church. It was more like an old Medieval type house. I was standing by double doors that had mosaic glass in each door. The room I was in was built of very dark wood. It was almost like it was part of a home I was very familiar with. It was so real when I had the lucid dream. It felt like I was in another dimension, another life.

It's not very often when I have these dreams, but when I have them, they are very real to me and sometimes can get very scary.

One of these days I will tell you about the start of World War III, but not until I know I won't have anyone commenting negatively on it or pishtoshing my vision just because they think they can. I never say they are really real or that they will come to pass. I just say I have them, or they are given to me and I wait to see if they do.
You can feel safe to share those predictions here, we'll make sure no one's going to call you for your whatever you say. :)
Nice, this kid can't imagine all this stuff, right ? Especially the part about his other sister. I mean, it's a total non-sense that the kid could knew this since his parents didn't tell him about it.
Someone could have told him about his sister, possibly an aunt, uncle or other relative. People do talk lol.
the parents inventing all this stuff for hoaxing purposes.
This seems more likely, unfortunately. Other than their 15 minutes of fame I fail to see what else they stand to gain from this though.
That is a nice story though the meeting of the sister is kinda creepy but a nice thought. It could be that the boy picked up on things on a deeper subconscious level that he ended up dreaming about making it seem like premonitions. We often pick up on things without even realizing it or could just be good ole fashioned clairvoyance. ;D
