Alien experience


Junior Member
I was walking around late at night maybe 3am and I saw a bright flash of light in the sky and then I thought I might see a sasquactch and then I turned and saw two beings who were not human idk what they were some sort of alien and now I see some sort of craft at night that will follow me and has even gotten low enough to land I saw this with another person once and they thought it was a helicopter but if you look at it closely it's not and I've seen the same craft a few times since then and it's defiantly some sort of craft unknown to me I don't know if it's a shadow government craft or alien but I know it's following me because I was riding in the backseat of a car and I saw the craft again and it was moving fast and then it came to a dead stop and starting flying in reverse and followed me all the way home which was also a few turns and I've had craft follow me many times before also sometimes I'll be outside and look at a random spot in the sky and see a craft just hovering their and then I'll start walking and it will follow me all the way to the store and back I've had many experiences with craft and a couple with aliens and other odd stuff


So does it seem like it is harassing you or protecting you? How high up is it? It sounds like it must be kind of low if you can detect it tailing you - otherwise, couldn't it just be watching an entire neighborhood? Could it be a drone?


Junior Member
I recently moved from north Carolina to Virginia and I've seen this same craft in both states also it's huge with lights blinking on it and it's obvious that it's following me maybe I'll record it tonight I don't know if it's alien but I have a feeling it's shadow government of some kind


Not trying to get too personal, but is there some reason agents of any kind would be following you?


Junior Member
I don't know it could also be aliens I have channeled before and also uploaded videos of craft online and posted to a few forums stuff I'm really only share stuff like this online to meet the mib I've heard many stories of them and it would be cool to meet them


So, did I understand this right? You actually share your videos online hoping to get a visit from men in black because you think that would be cool? Maybe you could put up a link to one of those. I sure would like to see what is following you.


Active Member
I don't know it could also be aliens I have channeled before and also uploaded videos of craft online and posted to a few forums stuff I'm really only share stuff like this online to meet the mib I've heard many stories of them and it would be cool to meet them
Are you crazy??????
