Active Member
An Open Letter from Jarrod
We will start with:
A website devoted to Ascension and New Age Beliefs.
Funny, this one says just what I said last night: QUOTE, I Am That I Am.
What is the definition of Ascension? Asked_by Guess Who?
Ascension has a common meaning from the New Testament - the ascension of Jesus in the Bible.
Ascension in the Evangelical movement is the rapture, the advancement of humans into a state of union with God, what some Christian doctrines call Beatific Vision
Ascension in the New Age is the elevation of consciousness or the mind to perceive 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions. This phenomena has been coupled with the 2012 movement.
No matter where you look when you put in the search words “what does ascension mean?”especially with the New Age movement, you get it to say: the ascension of Christ in the very top number one answer.
This is to all who are going to ask me about the future after last night. Last night was my final performance. In as I am just a little boy and can’t deal with grownups on the level you want me to, I am not going to be in your chats again until some of you grow up and smell the coffee.
I don’t care what you believe in or what religion you profess to acknowledge, the truth is I know the truth and I was speaking the truth last night. If you all pay any attention to these people who profess to be of the New Age Ascension Movement and say we are going to ascend into the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions, they are correct in so far as that we all must grow up some day. This planet is still in diapers as a bunch cry babies generally go.
They kill, they steal, just like Darth Vader did in that bank the other week, and they destroy. Please note the BP Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. You think Louisiana people are pissed, God is not too happy with that Tony Blair wannabee at the moment and he says good riddens to that man at the head of that company. Anyway, what went down last night was terrible, not only for me but my channel because she already had an encounter with a not too bright source of knowledge who lacks the wisdom of knowing when to shut her trap and keep it zipped.
There are more important things on this planet to deal with than arguing over who wants to be a millionaire and who wants to have a definition of ascension in their possession first before they give you the real scoop.
Numenorean7, I hope you do not shut up hdrkidII because I’m going to tell you the truth here, time travel exists. But it’s not that way. Go ask the CIA for how they do it. They’ve been doing it since 1948—after the Roswell crash.
UFOS exist, but who wants to meet scary aliens when you can meet all the scary humans you want right here on earth.
And for those who want their future’s read, I repeat. It is not set in stone until you make it your wish to be. If you want to ascend, all you have to do is do the right things, be the right kind of person, and love your fellow man. It doesn’t take a church to help you know this, but it does help some of you out there to go. I assure you. My channel has a friend who is a priest of the Methodist sect and she is a very nice person who has lived her words she speaks to her congregation every Sunday. She’s one minister you should all listen to.
I have a relationship with my God that you, Brent, poo pooed because you don’t believe in God. Well, one day you will find out for yourself whether he exists or not. But for now, know that he believes in you. And has given you the opportunity of a lifetime. Don’t screw it up.
Now for the piece of resistance, as the French say, oui oui. You are now going to all have to wait until I’m good and ready to speak again through my jasper moon. Don’t ask because I’m not going to tell you anything until I know myself and am ready to depart with it.
And I am certain I won’t be winning a million dollars anytime soon because Randi is just a plain jerk and doesn’t have the million dollars to part with anyway.
So be it, we should not have to pay for living on a planet we were born on in the first place. You hear that everyone? We should be able to live on Earth free of the money chains. Also, and learn what we wish. If we want to be a doctor, we should be able to be a doctor. If we want to roll around in the gutter and be jerks, that, too.
And when you get rid of Obama, just make sure the next time you vote, it isn’t for Sarah Palin. She’s nuts.
Jarrod, over and out
We will start with:
A website devoted to Ascension and New Age Beliefs.
Funny, this one says just what I said last night: QUOTE, I Am That I Am.
What is the definition of Ascension? Asked_by Guess Who?

No matter where you look when you put in the search words “what does ascension mean?”especially with the New Age movement, you get it to say: the ascension of Christ in the very top number one answer.
This is to all who are going to ask me about the future after last night. Last night was my final performance. In as I am just a little boy and can’t deal with grownups on the level you want me to, I am not going to be in your chats again until some of you grow up and smell the coffee.
I don’t care what you believe in or what religion you profess to acknowledge, the truth is I know the truth and I was speaking the truth last night. If you all pay any attention to these people who profess to be of the New Age Ascension Movement and say we are going to ascend into the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions, they are correct in so far as that we all must grow up some day. This planet is still in diapers as a bunch cry babies generally go.
They kill, they steal, just like Darth Vader did in that bank the other week, and they destroy. Please note the BP Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. You think Louisiana people are pissed, God is not too happy with that Tony Blair wannabee at the moment and he says good riddens to that man at the head of that company. Anyway, what went down last night was terrible, not only for me but my channel because she already had an encounter with a not too bright source of knowledge who lacks the wisdom of knowing when to shut her trap and keep it zipped.
There are more important things on this planet to deal with than arguing over who wants to be a millionaire and who wants to have a definition of ascension in their possession first before they give you the real scoop.
Numenorean7, I hope you do not shut up hdrkidII because I’m going to tell you the truth here, time travel exists. But it’s not that way. Go ask the CIA for how they do it. They’ve been doing it since 1948—after the Roswell crash.
UFOS exist, but who wants to meet scary aliens when you can meet all the scary humans you want right here on earth.
And for those who want their future’s read, I repeat. It is not set in stone until you make it your wish to be. If you want to ascend, all you have to do is do the right things, be the right kind of person, and love your fellow man. It doesn’t take a church to help you know this, but it does help some of you out there to go. I assure you. My channel has a friend who is a priest of the Methodist sect and she is a very nice person who has lived her words she speaks to her congregation every Sunday. She’s one minister you should all listen to.
I have a relationship with my God that you, Brent, poo pooed because you don’t believe in God. Well, one day you will find out for yourself whether he exists or not. But for now, know that he believes in you. And has given you the opportunity of a lifetime. Don’t screw it up.
Now for the piece of resistance, as the French say, oui oui. You are now going to all have to wait until I’m good and ready to speak again through my jasper moon. Don’t ask because I’m not going to tell you anything until I know myself and am ready to depart with it.
And I am certain I won’t be winning a million dollars anytime soon because Randi is just a plain jerk and doesn’t have the million dollars to part with anyway.
So be it, we should not have to pay for living on a planet we were born on in the first place. You hear that everyone? We should be able to live on Earth free of the money chains. Also, and learn what we wish. If we want to be a doctor, we should be able to be a doctor. If we want to roll around in the gutter and be jerks, that, too.
And when you get rid of Obama, just make sure the next time you vote, it isn’t for Sarah Palin. She’s nuts.
Jarrod, over and out