Anti-Gravity Machine Designed By Ordinary Guy...Worth Watching..


Senior Member
There was a conversation going on between the 2 guys about the invention staying on You Tube, and the reply was. "If Its Allowed!!"..
Could that mean You Tube being force fully ORDERED to take it down and never display it again?


Junior Member
There was a conversation going on between the 2 guys about the invention staying on You Tube, and the reply was. "If Its Allowed!!"..
Could that mean You Tube being force fully ORDERED to take it down and never display it again?
Of course they don’t want this technology used. They want people to pay for plane tickets


Senior Member
It's a nice piece of hands-on engineering, but there's no big mystery about why it works.

Possibly could be used for moving satellites around, or some small probes in space, but this will never pay off to lift anything into orbit. The machinery and energy requirement would be astronomical for that. The greater the lift, the higher the mass of the gyroscope.



Senior Member
It's a nice piece of hands-on engineering, but there's no big mystery about why it works.

Possibly could be used for moving satellites around, or some small probes in space, but this will never pay off to lift anything into orbit. The machinery and energy requirement would be astronomical for that. The greater the lift, the higher the mass of the gyroscope.

You have the right to your own opinions Hartey :D..

walt willis

Senior Member
Aliens have two forms of power that they use to travel near and far from other gravity locations as well as into deep space. Both form of power are needed to travel into deep space. The anti gravity device is a must as it allows the aliens to reduce the effects of gravity, time and inertia on them, but the anti mater drive creates a void above their craft to suck the ship at speeds well above the speed of light. Hope that helps!
