Are you a Prepper?


Senior Member

walt willis

Senior Member
A very good video Sam... Thanks!
The Boy scout motto is "Be Prepared"!
If being a prepared is now looked at as strange then all the folks out there must have not heard of that motto.
Just got my HF radio working last night and made contact with many people back east and found that they are also talking about their concerns of a time when we may see civil unrest or a world at war once again.
I was surprised to listen to that kind of talk on the Ham radio.
If they store a radio inside a metal trashcan during an EMP or CME event it may still work and it may be one of the few ways to exchange information.
Most people fear the unknown and may panic at the thought of the unseen danger for themselves and their loved ones.
I would like to ask forum members to acquire a 2 meter Baofeng UV-5RA radio for under $40 at Amazon as a way to listen to other Ham radio people that talk locally to each other.
It would also help to get a "Slim Jim" J-Pole antenna to boost the power to more than 50 miles using a repeater.
Air, Water, Food, Shelter, Transportation, and communication may become a problem if a war hits the USA.
Be a good scout and PLAN AHEAD!


Senior Member
A very good video Sam... Thanks!
The Boy scout motto is "Be Prepared"!
If being a prepared is now looked at as strange then all the folks out there must have not heard of that motto.
Just got my HF radio working last night and made contact with many people back east and found that they are also talking about their concerns of a time when we may see civil unrest or a world at war once again.
I was surprised to listen to that kind of talk on the Ham radio.
If they store a radio inside a metal trashcan during an EMP or CME event it may still work and it may be one of the few ways to exchange information.
Most people fear the unknown and may panic at the thought of the unseen danger for themselves and their loved ones.
I would like to ask forum members to acquire a 2 meter Baofeng UV-5RA radio for under $40 at Amazon as a way to listen to other Ham radio people that talk locally to each other.
It would also help to get a "Slim Jim" J-Pole antenna to boost the power to more than 50 miles using a repeater.
Air, Water, Food, Shelter, Transportation, and communication may become a problem if a war hits the USA.
Be a good scout and PLAN AHEAD!
It is nice to communicate Walt, sometimes, but...I think I will just listen as the scavengers out there will be happy to run into a stash of supplies. "Hey friend...where do you live? We would like to come and meet you! (and steal you blind)" hush...he didn't hear that. Just a thought...don't give out too much info. I think I will get one next month as I am tapped out until

walt willis

Senior Member
A very good video Sam... Thanks!
The Boy scout motto is "Be Prepared"!
If being a prepared is now looked at as strange then all the folks out there must have not heard of that motto.
Just got my HF radio working last night and made contact with many people back east and found that they are also talking about their concerns of a time when we may see civil unrest or a world at war once again.
I was surprised to listen to that kind of talk on the Ham radio.
If they store a radio inside a metal trashcan during an EMP or CME event it may still work and it may be one of the few ways to exchange information.
Most people fear the unknown and may panic at the thought of the unseen danger for themselves and their loved ones.
I would like to ask forum members to acquire a 2 meter Baofeng UV-5RA radio for under $40 at Amazon as a way to listen to other Ham radio people that talk locally to each other.
It would also help to get a "Slim Jim" J-Pole antenna to boost the power to more than 50 miles using a repeater.
Air, Water, Food, Shelter, Transportation, and communication may become a problem if a war hits the USA.
Be a good scout and PLAN AHEAD!
It is nice to communicate Walt, sometimes, but...I think I will just listen as the scavengers out there will be happy to run into a stash of supplies. "Hey friend...where do you live? We would like to come and meet you! (and steal you blind)" hush...he didn't hear that. Just a thought...don't give out too much info. I think I will get one next month as I am tapped out until

There are secrets and then there are secrets and I have a very secret...secret!
Even if I were to tell the bad guys all it would not prevent their demise.
If you take about 31 minutes to listen to the above you may understand...
Pray for the fools that don't believe the report I gave to Mel.
Try to keep an open mind about what you hear, for as what you don't know can hurt you!
Wish I knew why my life was so very strange...Still looking for others like me to come forward.
Please send more bad guys the last ones were delicious!


Senior Member
A very good video Sam... Thanks!
The Boy scout motto is "Be Prepared"!
If being a prepared is now looked at as strange then all the folks out there must have not heard of that motto.
Just got my HF radio working last night and made contact with many people back east and found that they are also talking about their concerns of a time when we may see civil unrest or a world at war once again.
I was surprised to listen to that kind of talk on the Ham radio.
If they store a radio inside a metal trashcan during an EMP or CME event it may still work and it may be one of the few ways to exchange information.
Most people fear the unknown and may panic at the thought of the unseen danger for themselves and their loved ones.
I would like to ask forum members to acquire a 2 meter Baofeng UV-5RA radio for under $40 at Amazon as a way to listen to other Ham radio people that talk locally to each other.
It would also help to get a "Slim Jim" J-Pole antenna to boost the power to more than 50 miles using a repeater.
Air, Water, Food, Shelter, Transportation, and communication may become a problem if a war hits the USA.
Be a good scout and PLAN AHEAD!
It is nice to communicate Walt, sometimes, but...I think I will just listen as the scavengers out there will be happy to run into a stash of supplies. "Hey friend...where do you live? We would like to come and meet you! (and steal you blind)" hush...he didn't hear that. Just a thought...don't give out too much info. I think I will get one next month as I am tapped out until

There are secrets and then there are secrets and I have a very secret...secret!
Even if I were to tell the bad guys all it would not prevent their demise.
If you take about 31 minutes to listen to the above you may understand...
Pray for the fools that don't believe the report I gave to Mel.
Try to keep an open mind about what you hear, for as what you don't know can hurt you!
Wish I knew why my life was so very strange...Still looking for others like me to come forward.
Please send more bad guys the last ones were delicious!
Thanks for the info Walt. I enjoyed it so much I listed to Vinny's New Zealand Show also...good stuff.

walt willis

Senior Member
well if the wild life some how manages to survive then here's some native plants that just might keep you alive

52 Wild Plants You Can Eat - Updated - Waking Times

52 plants you can eat

We all know which vegetables and fruits are safe to eat, but what about other wild edibles? Here are a few common North American goodies that are safe to eat if you find yourself stuck in the wild:

Very well said...
"The SAS Survival Handbook" should be helpful.
Many folks think that we would never have another world war because it may go nuclear.
My best guess is we will have another world war and it will shock the earth with its destruction.
The "EEMP weapon may be used on civilians and the military would require a thermal attack as they are protected from an EMP.
"Lights Out" and "One Second After" should be read as a way to gain a heads up.
Mormons teach their people to be prepared as a way of life. They may survive the next war better than most.
To the folks on this forum that believe we would never have another world war I will pray that they are right and that I am wrong.


Senior Member
Bad things happen all the time. Some things are worse than others. Some things will affect you and some won't.

Something, somewhere at some time is going to happen. I have reasonable provisions and plans for such an event, but I'm certainly not going to plan my life around it or spend my days sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for it to happen. I'm going to live my life and and focus on the positive things that I can experience or share, not the eventual death and destruction of humanity that may or may not happen in my lifetime.

If such an event did occur, I'd much rather be sitting on the hood of my car watching the mushroom cloud and getting vaporized seconds later. I'll be dead and won't care.

The alternative is living out the rest of my miserable existence in a society where murder and rape for the acquisition of supplies and survival is the norm. That's not something I care to participate in or experience; all the MREs and rifles in the world won't save you from that hell on Earth.
