Assume the Position.


Senior Member
If I somehow stepped into the role of John Titor intentionally as an experiment or unintentionally as the result of something beyond my control what should I do next?
If I somehow stepped into the role of John Titor intentionally as an experiment or unintentionally as the result of something beyond my control what should I do next?
I’d say you should stop faking and trolling, because it does no good for anyone.

Sure. I’m John Titor how do I avoid the idea that a lot of individuals might want him dead?

Since it’s fiction let’s use the Dr Strange scenario in Endgame when he said Tony can not be told or else it would not happen. So some elements have to be somewhat esoteric that people not close enough don’t know what’s missing.
An example of a missing part: as I got closer to my recruitment date it allowed my recruiters to fine tune their probability reports to get closer to 100% probability that I am the person called John Titor. They were already aware of all the copycat people in order to draw me into the open. With that strategy they could no longer control the timeline of events. All they knew was that they would eventually find me since I did in fact go back to get the computer at some point in the future. But since I disclosed myself in the futures past it is no longer 2036. The date is now unknown. But with the copycats trying to force the process those cats are stuck on a nuclear attack in the northeast probably before Inauguration Day. So the drones convey a message up there. I’ve been trying to avoid the nuclear approach to my own future but some zealots of time are simply fanatical.
