Assume the Position.

Definitely. Iā€™m trying to prove it was. His story results in a nuclear war. If itā€™s not fake then I guess we have one some time. Maybe sooner than later. Like before Inauguration Day. šŸ˜

Not to be overly blunt, but i don't think you're proving anything....
Claiming you're titor to prove he was fake is not the way to debunk or prove anything, it just sounds silly.
Your right. John is a comedian like Zelensky. And they both want a nuclear war. Iā€™m just an audience member laughing at their real world jokes. I just have to tolerate their joke, or fake reality until January 20. After that nothing is written. Even Haberā€™s work of art had to come to a close like Revelations ending at 22. My first inclination of A John Titor was near Boeing in 1993. He approached me and told me to follow NASA. In the earliest days of Haber I couldnā€™t understand the hoax concept of research and development that existed years before he created a hoax version of reality. I enjoy the site and others like it. Seeing a cover sheet with COSMā€¦ on it in 1990 in the military made me realize just how much nobody knows including Haber. Regardless of the existence of a John Titor it has lead to consequences. If that consequence results in me assuming the position then itā€™s a really stupid hoax seeing as how the unknown can be so addictive.
Was there ever a Cosmic Top Secret title book that may have been discontinued or limited publication? When I found Above Top Secret I thought it use to say Cosmic instead. But that may have been a mistaken memory.
Was there ever a Cosmic Top Secret title book that may have been discontinued or limited publication? When I found Above Top Secret I thought it use to say Cosmic instead. But that may have been a mistaken memory.
I dont recall that site with that name either.

But Cosmic Top Secret is an autobiographical documentary video game in which the player joins ā€œTā€ in her quest to unveil the secret life of her parents during the Cold War. Maybe you are recalling that ?

Or this

According to one of Jon King's key witnesses - a former US Army Special Operations expert who has run covert military operations with the CIA - the British and US governments are fully aware that at least one extraterrestrial civilisation is currently visiting our planet. There are many, many other witness testimonies, both civilian and military, that point to a similar conclusion. Here Jon King collates and extrapolates the inside information available to him to present a startling and dramatic case for this explosive assertion.
Hmm. I guess if MIBs were real they may be COSMIC SCIs similar to the Majestic 12 and others that have been disclosed. My SCI has not been disclosed due to ongoing operations using it.
If I somehow stepped into the role of John Titor intentionally as an experiment or unintentionally as the result of something beyond my control what should I do next?
To me what occurred was a second real John Titor persona showed up on top of the faked staged for who knows what purposes said appearance at Art Bell's website. If that's so then if your'e the real Titor from this timeline somehow, then you have a shadow another version of you in existence.

Roughly put the real John Titor had through the admission on Art Bells web, that his time machine was damaged. If this is true then the claim of Titor both suffering from radiation caused by the operation of a defective time machine and the other Titor going rouge, may in some way, if your'e yet another version of him, may affect your real life. This is now as Titor is still a wanted man.

I would recontact whoever was recruiting you then and ask them what to do short of eliminating you. Sometimes, occurrences from other timelines bleed over to this one. The way to tell is look up time-slips in London. Visit to that place and see if you experience a time slip, any unexpected aberrations noted?

The real total encompassment of the John Titor Affair was a big mess just because it lies in the possibilities of other timeline contamination. Protect yourself here. When you time travel it embuses you with that quality of going into other times dimensions without your approval.

TIME SLIPS* Noted in London a place to where many or the residents experience time slips going back thirty years but have all of them returned to their proper times. The movie Five Million years to Earth exemplifies some of the principles mentioned here. Lamdo
