Back into Time & Space


Good day reader, hope you are having a whale of a time. ;)

It has been a while since i was here. Truth be told i didn't forget about this wonderful Forum and its many readers. No, i forgot i was me for a while. Strange isn't it?

So here we are creeping towards the end of 2019 and sorry to say i am no closer to finding an elusive time portal then what i was so many years ago now. Why so many years you may ask? Well i can't really remember anymore.

Now back to the topic of TIME! It is about time we figure this one out, because i really need to go back and kick my young-self in the "unmentionables" and really just lay it all out. The future is grim, unforgiving and stupid mistakes does have serious consequences. Then I realized something...

What IF time was already explored in all directions ALL the time?

Now i know what you are thinking; "Goodness me Label you really should stop smoking those socks! You are turning into a complete nutter you are"

And it is at this point I would have to say in a melodramatic tone with a questionable cough; You might want to read this to the end.

Yes look past all the grammar and spelling errors and just consider this logic if only for a moment.

If the multiverse is factually real, then TWO things is 100% sure. The one would be; YOU dear reader would have at some point figured out how to become a time traveler. Now how did i figured that out? Well consider the multiverse is a reality and every choice you made, did factually became its own world. Then every path you ever imagined and other versions of you ever imagined became a real reality. That means that if there was a chance for you to win the time traveling lottery then you would have won it.

Now for the second thing... Every multiverse version of you that discovered time travel and figured out how to go back is destroyed. Why? Because of the fact that no two energies can occupy the same space. Also then there is the little inconvenience of quantum entanglement and what that actually means WHEN two energies that is essentially entangled tries to occupy the same space and space time. Do you have any idea how BAD that has to be. How bad it will be now you have TWO entangled interconnected energies that exist in many places at the same time occupying the exact same space at the exact same time.

Imagine the energies that will be messed with in this event...

Now If the multiverse exist it is probably out of phase and for good reason. That means if you figure out how to travel to other earths that when you run into yourself at that earth that it will be at best "strange" but never catastrophic. But moving in time can be a world ending event for that world.

Now once you realize this, it becomes strangely clear why the "worlds" that has accomplish this wondrous most profound technology isn't sharing it. They are simply not there anymore. They cannot exist anymore.

But not all hope is lost you see. For there is a DOOR number three.

What is behind door number three?

Well, again if the multiverse is real than every aspect of yourself exist doing every possible thing that can be done. Meaning in some world some version of you managed to figure out how to travel from multiverse to multiverse. So being out of phase there will not be a world ending event and you can talk to your alternate self.

See if a alternate version of you go back in time in a world that is NOT their own and change the future for that version of you and that version's "future-self" does the same for you... Then the laws of physics remains unbroken and may even contain a happy ever-after. Wouldn't that be nice?

See dear reader... There are dangers, there are mistakes. If there really is a multiverse and if a version of you and i truly figured it out. Then that version of you will do every possible "correction" with that tech. BUT and this is the scary part... they will also do every single possible "mistake" that WILL be made.

What does this mean?

Well it is a equalizer, it is a mathematical vector that exist in a perfect equilibrium. In short, all those multiverses will cancel itself out until there is only a "balanced" two. So perfect so harmonious that they coexist. They are so integral and yet couldn't be more disconnected at the same time. In short it is WHY we still exist and didn't become the next EPIC blooper. We are mathematically perfect to the point that we insure each other's existence.

Let this sink in for a bit, allow it to find it's place in all the theoretical jargon.

If proven right, and all of the above isn't just me smoking a perfectly matured sock. Where do you find yourself now?

You see dear reader i am saying to you, that this version of you saved at-least all the life that ever was and ever will be twice over. You can give yourself a pat on the back...

Jolly good show... Jolly good show indeed.

i hope you enjoyed this little exercise

i would be honored to see you in the next one :D

cheerio :cool:


Active Member
Good day reader, hope you are having a whale of a time. ;)

It has been a while since i was here. Truth be told i didn't forget about this wonderful Forum and its many readers. No, i forgot i was me for a while. Strange isn't it?

So here we are creeping towards the end of 2019 and sorry to say i am no closer to finding an elusive time portal then what i was so many years ago now. Why so many years you may ask? Well i can't really remember anymore.

Now back to the topic of TIME! It is about time we figure this one out, because i really need to go back and kick my young-self in the "unmentionables" and really just lay it all out. The future is grim, unforgiving and stupid mistakes does have serious consequences. Then I realized something...

What IF time was already explored in all directions ALL the time?

Now i know what you are thinking; "Goodness me Label you really should stop smoking those socks! You are turning into a complete nutter you are"

And it is at this point I would have to say in a melodramatic tone with a questionable cough; You might want to read this to the end.

Yes look past all the grammar and spelling errors and just consider this logic if only for a moment.

If the multiverse is factually real, then TWO things is 100% sure. The one would be; YOU dear reader would have at some point figured out how to become a time traveler. Now how did i figured that out? Well consider the multiverse is a reality and every choice you made, did factually became its own world. Then every path you ever imagined and other versions of you ever imagined became a real reality. That means that if there was a chance for you to win the time traveling lottery then you would have won it.

Now for the second thing... Every multiverse version of you that discovered time travel and figured out how to go back is destroyed. Why? Because of the fact that no two energies can occupy the same space. Also then there is the little inconvenience of quantum entanglement and what that actually means WHEN two energies that is essentially entangled tries to occupy the same space and space time. Do you have any idea how BAD that has to be. How bad it will be now you have TWO entangled interconnected energies that exist in many places at the same time occupying the exact same space at the exact same time.

Imagine the energies that will be messed with in this event...

Now If the multiverse exist it is probably out of phase and for good reason. That means if you figure out how to travel to other earths that when you run into yourself at that earth that it will be at best "strange" but never catastrophic. But moving in time can be a world ending event for that world.

Now once you realize this, it becomes strangely clear why the "worlds" that has accomplish this wondrous most profound technology isn't sharing it. They are simply not there anymore. They cannot exist anymore.

But not all hope is lost you see. For there is a DOOR number three.

What is behind door number three?

Well, again if the multiverse is real than every aspect of yourself exist doing every possible thing that can be done. Meaning in some world some version of you managed to figure out how to travel from multiverse to multiverse. So being out of phase there will not be a world ending event and you can talk to your alternate self.

See if a alternate version of you go back in time in a world that is NOT their own and change the future for that version of you and that version's "future-self" does the same for you... Then the laws of physics remains unbroken and may even contain a happy ever-after. Wouldn't that be nice?

See dear reader... There are dangers, there are mistakes. If there really is a multiverse and if a version of you and i truly figured it out. Then that version of you will do every possible "correction" with that tech. BUT and this is the scary part... they will also do every single possible "mistake" that WILL be made.

What does this mean?

Well it is a equalizer, it is a mathematical vector that exist in a perfect equilibrium. In short, all those multiverses will cancel itself out until there is only a "balanced" two. So perfect so harmonious that they coexist. They are so integral and yet couldn't be more disconnected at the same time. In short it is WHY we still exist and didn't become the next EPIC blooper. We are mathematically perfect to the point that we insure each other's existence.

Let this sink in for a bit, allow it to find it's place in all the theoretical jargon.

If proven right, and all of the above isn't just me smoking a perfectly matured sock. Where do you find yourself now?

You see dear reader i am saying to you, that this version of you saved at-least all the life that ever was and ever will be twice over. You can give yourself a pat on the back...

Jolly good show... Jolly good show indeed.

i hope you enjoyed this little exercise

i would be honored to see you in the next one :D

cheerio :cool:
What about every possible way to correct the incorrection of incorecting?
Space is the density. Time is location in order of density. Spacetime is the ?

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