being non human


Thanks for the data about terrogon, Ann Holt. I'd like to try that. One version of shadow people I mentioned in reply to Wee's question. It may or may not be the same version that you're writing about. I'd better repeat it here. It may be that the shadow people being seen are manifestations of people's egos. Normally it stays within the person, but may be projected outside the person sometimes. Could this be where poltergeist activity comes from? When a person dies he leaves his physical body behind. Unless he's highly evolved enough, he also leaves behind an etheric form, a shadow, derived from the person's ego. That shadow has that person's memory and believes it is that person, but it is not. This shadow may extend its life by feeding on people's negative emotions. Eventually it will disintegrate back into the aether. This type of shadow self is what people normally encounter as ghosts. Another type of ghost could also be encountered, an actual human or other consciousness, mired in the astral plane. By the way, consciousness is the one thing we truly are, in my view. In other realities and parallel universes there may be other versions of our extended consciousness, some in human form, some not. I once had a dream of myself flying around in another reality as a purple flying dinosaur or dragon(but not as Barney I think). Was that a version of me in a different reality?
