Bernard Kerik Former Saudi Bodyguard


Junior Member
Bernard Kerik Former Saudi Bodyguard


"Earlier in his career, Kerik spent four years in Saudi Arabia, training security personnel and coordinating protection for the king and other heads of state. He speaks a smattering of Arabic..."

Bernard Kerik is GW Bush's new nominee to be in charge of Homeland Security.

The connection between The House of Saud and the Bush Dynasty is a strong one. But I doubt that it is the result of love and affection. As I pointed out in another post, I am convinced that 9-11 and the Aghan and Iraqi Wars have all been master-minded by the Saudis. If my theory is correct, the Saudis are blackmailing the U.S. government to do their bidding.

Kerik connections to the Saudis indicate that he will "play ball."
Bernard Kerik Former Saudi Bodyguard

If nothing else, he is sure to get a brand new Houkah each year.

Still, his record with the New York Police Force is pretty impressive stat wise.

Bernard Kerik Former Saudi Bodyguard

I think that for that post, having some middle east experience would be essential.

Bernard Kerik Former Saudi Bodyguard

Originally posted by Darkwolf@Dec 4 2004, 01:01 AM
I think that for that post, having some middle east experience would be essential.

Well, you would think that they picked people for cabinet positions based upon their qualifications for public service, but they don't. They pick them because they are part of the network of juice and cash that interconnects the criminal and corporate establishment and allows the international drug and oil trades to continue as a means of controlling foreign governments. Or they pick them so that they can continue their agenda of pretending to see to the needs of the American people while they deceive, rob, and poison them. The qualifications for such posts include unquestioned loyalty to the president and some connection to the people you need to be in contact with to achieve your end of the shabby scheme.
Bernard Kerik Former Saudi Bodyguard

The qualifications for such posts include unquestioned loyalty to the president

More so now than ever before in my estimation. Look at the purging of the CIA. The FBI is supposedly next. Got to make sure all the players are on board without question for the next big push in the agenda of the master planners. Not good for us "common folk".

Bernard Kerik Former Saudi Bodyguard

Yes and no. Think about it, one of the best things that Hitler ever did for us was to drive out all the Jewish Scientists and Doctors and other accomplished thinkers.

There will be many trained professionals in their respective "craft" out of work AND they just might not be content and happy with their former employer. I sure would want those unhappy people on my team before the game begins, wouldn't you?
Bernard Kerik Former Saudi Bodyguard

Originally posted by StarLord@Dec 7 2004, 04:46 PM
Yes and no. Think about it, one of the best things that Hitler ever did for us was to drive out all the Jewish Scientists and Doctors and other accomplished thinkers.

There will be many trained professionals in their respective \"craft\" out of work AND they just might not be content and happy with their former employer. I sure would want those unhappy people on my team before the game begins, wouldn't you?

But, it's our country, our scientists, our critical thinkers, our ethnically-diverse and dissident government officials, our government and our presidency. It's our Constitution, our Washington, D.C., our tenuously-balanced federal system and balance of powers. It's our tradition of open, questioning speech and thought, loyal opposition, and institutional adversarial justice. It's our heritage; our fate; our right to decent government. We are the ones who get the refugees from war, oppression, and poverty-- and authoritarian rule.
Bernard Kerik Former Saudi Bodyguard

Yes, and it's OUR problem now. Wouldn't you want 'company' personel on our side. Along with all the other Alphabet X employees that no longer work for them?

My point is, I would sure want them on my side, still disgruntled at their past employer.
