Black hole


New Member
Black hole

I have been thinking about it, and i have confused myself in the process but, how does a black hole retain light? Why cant light escape from it? Is light affected by gravity?

lots of questions i know but I have really confuesd myself on this one.Anybody want to help me out or offer their personal opinions
Black hole

I ain't no scientist Digit, but from what I've heard the gravitational pull of a black hole is so strong (because of its incredible density) that not even light can escape. A black hole is supposed to be a "collapsed" star where even the electrons have collapsed into the nucleus of the atoms in it. A description of the density of a black hole that I read years ago, estimated that a piece of a black hole the size of a regular box of matches would weigh about 10,000 pounds. That's pretty freakin' dense. The gravitational pull that this amount of density from something the size of a star would be immensely powerful. Hence, light can't even escape it.

That's my extremely limited understanding of black holes, and their gravitational force. Perhaps a more enlightened and educated person familiar with the sciences could add to or correct any errors in my post.


Black hole

Ive heard a theory that gravity is independent of time and is the "fifth dimension" and can suppositly manupolate time, I guess this theory would also help support the time travelers storys as the time machines depend on the black holes to jump to different timelines, who says that time is still moving inside the blackhole?

Natural blackholes form when a sun/star is starting to supernova and the inside of the star caves in on itself and compresses until it becomes a blackhole. Maybe the light is bouncing off of the compressed contents of the blackhole and it acts like a box where you can go in but cant get out.

The other possibility can be best thought of if you think about traveling to the center of the earth, because the earth is a sphere and gravity is always pushing on the surface, the gravity would colide at the center, so anything at the center of the earth would be held up in midair by gravity pushing on all sides.

If we think of light as humans, it could be the same thing, the superstrong gravity would push from all sides and hold light at the center of the blackhole.

Black hole

Originally posted by Cyberbomb@Sep 18 2004, 11:24 AM
Ive heard a theory that gravity is independent of time and is the \"fifth dimension\" and can suppositly manupolate time, I guess this theory would also help support the time travelers storys as the time machines depend on the black holes to jump to different timelines, who says that time is still moving inside the blackhole?

Natural blackholes form when a sun/star is starting to supernova and the inside of the star caves in on itself and compresses until it becomes a blackhole. Maybe the light is bouncing off of the compressed contents of the blackhole and it acts like a box where you can go in but cant get out.

The other possibility can be best thought of if you think about traveling to the center of the earth, because the earth is a sphere and gravity is always pushing on the surface, the gravity would colide at the center, so anything at the center of the earth would be held up in midair by gravity pushing on all sides.

If we think of light as humans, it could be the same thing, the superstrong gravity would push from all sides and hold light at the center of the blackhole.
Time is effected by gravity, thus the bending in space time. The bending in space time shows the velocity needed to exit from certain points on the mass. The velocity needed to escape the black hole > c, thus it seems to 'rip' space-time. Of course, this is speculation, but it's fun to think of it that way.
Black hole

Sorry to be critical but that didn't really help me and i knew all that beforehand.

I want to know how it affects light and how? thats what puzzles me.

Anybody else know about why light cant get out?
Black hole

Digit Posted Today, 11:40 AM
I have been thinking about it, and i have confused myself in the process but, how does a black hole retain light? Why cant light escape from it? Is light affected by gravity?

lots of questions i know but I have really confuesd myself on this one.Anybody want to help me out or offer their personal opinions

If time stopped then light would stop as well, if the gravity at the center of the hole was so strong that it froze time then the light that entered that space would freeze and stop when it got to that point.

Im not sure but I think that gravity can also bend light. If a black hole swirls in a circle then maybe the light would enter the blackhole then start swirling around the inside of it in the direction it is rotating, holding the light in an everlasting loop

Or maybe even as I said before:

Cyberbomb Posted Today, 12:24 PM
If we think of light as humans, it could be the same thing, the superstrong gravity would push from all sides and hold light at the center of the blackhole.

It might be in your best interest to read replys Slower so that you don't miss the points being made
Black hole

Think of it as this-

v--> and a is V(going down) thus creating a curve. Thus, when it is spinning, you have light moving outwards, but being pulled in with a constant acceleration due to gravity of c. That means that GM/r^2=c. And anyway, light doesn't experience time.
Black hole

Originally posted by Digit@Sep 18 2004, 04:34 PM
Sorry to be critical but that didn't really help me and i knew all that beforehand.

I want to know how it affects light and how? thats what puzzles me.

Anybody else know about why light cant get out?
Einstein described gravity as a warping of space. Light travels in a straight line. If space is curved to go into the black hole it will enter and not come out.

Does that help?
Black hole

Yeah thanks guys ,that helped me out a lot thanks! i never thought of it that way.

I understand now because when you see a black hole through telescope ,you see the black circle where the black hole is and all around that the light is bent and distorted, so i think i understand how it works now.
