

Junior Member

No, not the vampire one.

I read this book back in the late 80's or early 90's. It was about a female scientist in the future that is doing voluntary experiments on prisoners. I can't recall wht the initial experiment was for, but the injections she gave the guy caused him to go into a death-like state physically. Mentally or spiritually, he went back in time through his own bloodlines through genetic memory. He went through time wreaking havoc. It turned out that one of his ancestors was Napoleon. While the guy, or rather his body, is laying there, it continues to age but at an extreemly slow rate. What seemed like a lifetime to the guy while he was back in time, was mere moments in the lab. When the lady brought him out of his "coma" (For lack of a better word.), he attacked her and left her for dead. Of course he then injected himself with a mega dose of the syrum and went on a joy ride through time. lol When the lady recovered enough to do so, she what? That's right! She left a note (I think.) injected herself an went in "spiritual" persuit of the bad guy.

Along the way, her great great great great however many greats grandfather joined in on the time chase. It turned out that this prisoner's ancester was Napoleon. The scientist and her companion turned out to be decendants of Josephine and some poet friend of hers.

Most of the book was played out in different time periods, but mostly the Napoleonic era. A funny part was when the guy went exploring his roots and was related to Peter the desciple. Remember the dream Peter had where he was told by God that he didn't have to obey the kosher laws any more? It turns out it was his time traveling non-Jew decendant from the future and NOT God that told him he could eat any thing he wanted. lol

A side note: When they would go back to one of their ancesters, they could either stay in the "back of their mind" as an observer, or completely take over. The interesting part was when the lady went into a man's body and had sex with her greatX10 or whatever grandfather who was in a womans body...

That just seems wrong... lol

If you happen to have read this book, or even if you read it in the future, will you please tell me the name of the author?
Re: Bloodlines

Wow that sounds like an amazing book. If you ever find out what it was called please psot it so I can see if i can find it in my library or failing that amazon.

Has anyone read a book called "A Canticle for Leibowitz"? Its a great read about the cold war turning hot and all of mankinds achievements in the 20th century being destroyed. Society re-emerged in a sort of medieval style with the catholic church the only remaining establishment from before "the fall". Over the centuries that followed the monks of the church of leibowitz preserve knowledge of the ancients even if they dont know what it is (like the designs for electronic componants), preserving them for the coming of the new enlgihtenment. There is loads more to the book if you ever get round to reading and i thoroughly reccomend it!

Re: Bloodlines

Well, the name of the book was Bloodline/s. I just can't remember the name of the author. Another book I read, and in fact is one of my favorites, is Radix by A.A.Attanasio (Also by Attanasio: ) Radix takes place in our distant future. Our civilization is gone due to wars and the next is pretty unusual. People have cards that identify the pureness of their genes. The boy that is the main character makes it with a mutant witch. He is also a vigilante that sets traps to kill gang members in Mad Max type areas. That is how the book begins. It follows him as he grown into manhood and becomes a super warrior type. The book moves between upright walking peaceful psychic apes with a magnificent treetop city, primitive humans living by a river as fisher/hunters, great cities of humans, a self aware super computer, action, drama, sex, this book has it all. The book even has a glossary at the end so that you can look up all the words you don't know because he made them up.

I have not read this book in several years so I am looking forward to getting another copy.
