Can an old building contain sounds embedded in walls?


If one is into the "paranormal", arguments are made that strong emotions can be held in anything from time/space to solid things like rooms, walls, battlefields, rocks, lakes, forests just take your pick. If not, simple answer is no it can't be done. Based on over 60 yrs of dealing with things loosely define by me as "paranormal", I think they can, that is if one chooses to believe in such.
Paranormal simply means the unknown. Thunder meant the gods were angry, as did volcanoes and storms at sea. And if anything exists in the paranormal it exists. We just have yet to understand it. Everything has an answer. Why are people nice? Perhaps their bacteria simply want them to hug someone to pass to another host. And does that mean antibiotics make people meaner? What we don't know is anything. Not yet. Are your bacteria making you nice?
