Can Geomagnetic Effects Cause Premonitions?


Junior Member
Can Geomagnetic Effects Cause Premonitions?

Years ago I had an experience where I saw the future in a dream 6 hours before it occurred. I have reason to believe that the time rift may have been caused by a geomagnetic effect of a local fault line, the Ramapo Fault, that I was passing thru at the time. I highly suggest finding a copy of Space-Time Transients and Unusual Events by Persinger and Lafreniere for evidence of geomagnetic effects causing paranormal events that seem to open windows in time. I pasted part of a letter that I had written to a well-known scientist who has written several books on the nature of time and hyperspace. It will recount the event well enough for our purposes.

I have not been able to draw any conclusions about how a geomagnetic effect could CAUSE a vision of the future 6 hours PRIOR to the actual event experience. I welcome any comments.


Re: Can Geomagnetic Effects Cause Premonitions?

I'm a firm believer of the effects of lines like these.

Is interesting the correlation of the 90 degree turn between the events. Maybe it is to do with us travelling away from the big bang at who knows what speeds, yet we are still rotating on our axis and around the sun.

It could point to a doppler effect on our overall speed relative to our travel away from the point of the 'big bang'

Earth Speeds in Orbit

Using these figures we travel around the sun at 86,400 mph, we are also rotating at 65,000 mph. Not including the speed we are travelling through space away from the big bang (haven't found a reference to it yet).

Given the right circumstances there could be an accumulated speed of 151,400mph, when on the extreme outside of the arc around the sun and as the Earth spins us round toward our 'forward' direction through space.

Consider also the flip side as we rotate in reverse, -151,400 mph.

We could be varying our speed through space by as much as 302,800 mph simply by being here for a year ?


Senior Member
Re: Can Geomagnetic Effects Cause Premonitions?

Your saying that the Earth rotates at what speed?


Re: Can Geomagnetic Effects Cause Premonitions?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"thenumbersix\")</div>
I thought it was 65,000 mph.[/b]
roughly 1,000 mph. That's not exact, but close. 25,000 miles (circumference of earth) in 24 hours (at equator).

The earth moves around the sun at 67,000 mph. That might be what you were thinking of.



Re: Can Geomagnetic Effects Cause Premonitions?

That would be it, wow, a lot slower. I always wondered how Concorde kept up with the sun on the 2K New Year :grin:, cheers.


Senior Member
Re: Can Geomagnetic Effects Cause Premonitions?

At that speed, didn't the Concorde just hover a few hours and wait for france to slip underneath and then they landed?


Re: Can Geomagnetic Effects Cause Premonitions?

I don't know I was thrown off the face of the planet, into the sun, at birth :grin:


Junior Member
Re: Can Geomagnetic Effects Cause Premonitions?

I don't understand everyone's preoccupation with rotation speed of the earth around it's axis, around the sun, and the galaxy's speed as it expands from zero point of the "Big Bang"?

I only mentioned this possible correlation due to the fact that the time between my first and second incident was close to 6 hours and the causation could be related to the "coupling effect" of the earth's gyro action. It doesn't serve to explain how the vast majority of precognition of future events occur outside this 6 hour window. Perhaps its becomes causative if it occurs within a geomagnetic field.

IMO, rotation speed is irrelevant. The geomagnetic field that is created is key. Perhaps the high iron content of the area and the huge tectonic pressures along the fault line create a giant piezo switch. A "switch" that opens the door, however briefly to take a peek to the past. or the future. The brain can remember scenes shown as fast as 1/12th of a second. If the window opens just THAT much, it can be remembered.


Senior Member
Re: Can Geomagnetic Effects Cause Premonitions?

I think that precognition only has to do with the individual and nothing else. Why look for reasons outside the natural born abilities of yourself? It could have occured on a windy thursday just as well as being chased down a street by a angry boyfriend at midnight on a saturday while the moon was full....
