Debate can we send our conscious or memories to the past? to a younger state of ourselves.


Junior Member
Yes but before the time you change over the other you would already be you as you would create a loop in you life from the moment you go back. You would live forever but only the time before going back over and over until you give up and don't go back. Sounds like a good vacation from restricted life hu...


Junior Member
i guess you could say you cant, as its only a “copy” of sorts that goes back. when it finaly comes back youd only remember the info from where it went and not the memorys before or after the brain copy left and came back. the copy would be your new mind。 the copy of the mind would have to take some time to, well copy。 like 5 years or so in order for it to be able to sync with the younger mind. Just a educated guess。 what do you think Dr Malasunto?
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Junior Member
has anyone thought to themselfs that this sight may be a free theoretical science port for gov or corp companies? just a thought. would like to one day get payed for my mind.


Junior Member
putting the mind in anything, even a bot sitting rite next to you while your alive would tell you all what you want. you will be there after and there will be a bot that thinks as you, only think. it IS a copy only. if you think im wrong then tell me what the soul is to a point. that last part is for you TIMEFLIPPER.
