Chinese Scientists Clone Two Monkeys!!


Senior Member
Yes its happened.....Chinese scientists have successfully managed to clone two small monkeys, whose DNA structure is very very close to that of us Humans!!

When do you think the cloning of Humans will begin (If it hasnt already started) and what will be the moral and ethical outcomes of it??

Will Super Soldiers be created, or what will the human clones function be in our modern day society?
Is the cloning of human beings extremely dangerous to the normally created human beings, can we be replaced by cloned humans?...Please tell us YOUR views..


Temporal Engineer
I think it would be great to have a spare body grown and sitting on standby. When my body gets worn out I'll just elect to have my brain transplanted into the spare. No telling how long my lifespan could be with that type of life extension technology.

Of course I doubt the technology will ever be used to create soldiers. It would be more practical to just create a Cylon soldier with artificial intelligence.

