The following is chris's first post. If he wishes to post anything else I feel it would be wiser if he did so. I just wanted to start his thread for him. Thanks again Chris for sharing your experiences with us
The following is chris's first post. If he wishes to post anything else I feel it would be wiser if he did so. I just wanted to start his thread for him. Thanks again Chris for sharing your experiences with us
Hello, I am Chris.
I can't believe what has happened. This may be an unbelieveable story, but I figured if there was any place to tell it, it would be here, away from the ridicule of a more public bulletin board systems. I am from the 2nd of June, 1993. And so... the current date is the 7th of March, 2004. I guess I'm officially a time traveller, beyond my wildest imaginations.
Not even I know how I got here, I went to sleep in my bed back in 1993, peaceful, just an Aussie 16 year old living out the 90's, our generation.
Then I wake up, and I'm lying in a gutter, nowhere near my house. It's very early morning, and it's been raining a lot, because my clothes are as if I just took a swim in them. I look around and get the worst feeling as if something is out of place. A jeep to the side of me looks so modern, much more than most. It's so sleek. A grey looking car passes, its engine very quiet and looking as if its from some classy German manufacturer. I start to wander around. The clothes people wore, even in early morning, had slight differences. I recognize this place, its my own suburb, but completely changed. In some ways its run down, worn down, but in others its been refurbished.
I walk into a corner shop that had been there since 1993 and check one of the newspapers, almost certain of what had happened (even if at the time I thought it was a crazy dream) and the date, inevitebly, is 2004. Thats all that mattered. I lost it then and there, and ran out of the shop, straight into incoming traffic. I narrowly missed getting hit by yet another fancy car, and ran into the park across the road.
What am I doing here? That was 10 days ago. I still can't understand. What is even weirder is I'm now living with my older self, at age 27. That story is for another time though. I assume that in this time, from the number of posts made, that time travel is common, but on a more secretive base? Using a wonderful tool called Google, which my future self pointed me in the direction of, I found many theories on time travel (and am glad to see that Back to the Future is still alive and kicking) but no solid proof, and that can only be found here. But on first glance they are ridiculous stories of aliens and from hundreds of years in the future, like they are made up.
In 1993 the internet had barely started, but being the geek I was back then I knew all about it and even had a top of the line SparcStation LX. The internet has surely changed, which is disappointing. It's become commercial, and there is so much crap floating around it that it isn't funny. How did it get so far out of hand? However despite all this, in the last ten days I have used my older selfs 'broadband' connection to use the internet. It's incredible. My computer was 50mhz, his is 2600mhz. Computing power has become enormous! Anyway this is becoming off track.
I do not wish to stay here. Me and my other self have hypothesised that I have not physically disappeared from 1993, because there is no record of a missing persons report, and he has not disappeared (Back to the Future has taught me enough about time travel to realise about paradoxes and the like). But I cannot stay here, it would be impossible to live in this time.
So, I send this SOS out to you as to how I can get back. My older self forbid me to write anything about this, but I have anyway. Please help, whoever you are.