Chronokinesis, and Quantum Jumping?


New Member
Has anyone here tried the "Quantum Jumping" technique, if so what have been your results? Do you think this is a connection to some part of the subconscious, or a connection of some kind to an actual parrallel self? Has it been useful in some way, producing tangible results?

Has anyone here experienced Chronokinesis, AKA the "Butterfly Effect", or time slip of consciousness through time? If so, was the experience useful and repeatable, and how were you able to trigger it, or was it accidental/spontaineous?

Thank you.


New Member
Has anyone here tried the "Quantum Jumping" technique, if so what have been your results? Do you think this is a connection to some part of the subconscious, or a connection of some kind to an actual parrallel self? Has it been useful in some way, producing tangible results?

Has anyone here experienced Chronokinesis, AKA the "Butterfly Effect", or time slip of consciousness through time? If so, was the experience useful and repeatable, and how were you able to trigger it, or was it accidental/spontaineous?

Thank you.
Forgive me i'm not very intelligent when it comes to these things, but would deja vu be of the same topic? If we are in a multiverse or ...every infinite outcome is happening simultaneously. Would our mind pick up on alternative parallelism? We've all felt that moment where we've been there before.


New Member
I'm not sure where deja vu fits into the psi, perhaps it is a glimpse of parallel potential. Consider that Mind is part of Consciousness, and Consciousness is outside of time, and can, or should be able to, therefore access various parts of Multiverse timelines. It could very well be the same thing. Usually, when I have a deja vu, it comes from a sleeping dream, and when the event occurs, I can remember the dream. Skeptics say this is nothing but self-delusion, or other arguments they make to nullify whatever they don't like.

There are anecdotal cases out there by people who claim to have accessed parallel timelines during fatal, or near fatal events.

I suppose I'm seeking something akin to the "Philosipher's Stone", though through the years of research, have come to the conclusion that such phenomenon are real, and accessible. Various names are: Retrocausality, Time Slip, Mind Temporal Displacement, etc.
